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D.E.C.I.D.E par Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E

1. Define the Problem

1.1. Your friend asks you if they can share your google doc/sheet/slideshow with them.

2. Explore the Alternatives

2.1. Tell them you're not done with your work yet

2.2. Tell the teacher

2.3. Tell them they should do it on their own

2.4. Do their work for them

3. Consider the Consequences

3.1. Tell them you're not done with your work yet - They'll ask someone else

3.2. Tell the teacher - They might feel like they were betrayed

3.3. Tell them they should do it on their own - They'll be mad at you

3.4. Do their work for them - They will keep asking you to do it for them

4. Identify Your Values

4.1. They'll ask someone else- That is just passing the problem on to some one else

4.2. They might feel like they were betrayed- You can't let a friend down especially if you care about them

4.3. They'll be mad at you- If they are mad at you just because you didn't share your document with them, they probably don't understand that they can't depend on you for everything

4.4. They will keep asking you to do it for them- They'll take you for granted

5. Decide and Act

5.1. I would choose to tell them to do it on their own. This way they won't take me for granted, I won't be betrayed, and they'll also learn to be independent

6. Evaluate the Results

6.1. How did your decision work out? How has it affected your life? How has it affected others? What did you learn? If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?