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Who am I? par Mind Map: Who am I?

1. Makeup

1.1. It is my favorite hobby and probably my only hobby.

1.2. I do this during my pastime and I love practicing it.

1.3. It is almost as a distraction for when I have anxiety.

1.4. The way I cope with anxiety.

2. Teacher

2.1. This is my goal in life, to become one.

2.2. I love helping others and I enjoy working with children.

2.3. I have wanted to become one, since i was very young.

3. Caring

3.1. This is my strongest characteristic

3.2. I always am there for my family, friends and anyone who needs it.

3.3. I put others before myself and it can affect me but i feel as if it's right.

4. Anxiety

4.1. I have been dealing with this mental illness for years and it's a big part of who I am.

4.2. I deal with it so much and it caused lots of changes in my life.

4.3. Not very happy about having it but I need to deal with it and stay strong.

5. Netflix

5.1. This is another distraction for myself and a pass time.

5.2. I love watching shows and movies, they make me learn lessons or even real facts.

5.3. I spend family and friend time with watching Netflix.