Reduce teenage drinking by increase the sales tax

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Reduce teenage drinking by increase the sales tax par Mind Map: Reduce teenage drinking by increase the sales tax

1. Family

1.1. Family Relationship

1.1.1. better

1.1.2. mor time with children

1.2. Financial problem

1.2.1. stop children for drinking

2. School

2.1. Friends

2.1.1. less peer pressure

2.1.2. more friends

2.2. Teacher

2.2.1. education

2.2.2. be a role model

3. Indervidual

3.1. Health

3.1.1. less illness

3.1.2. meaningful life

3.2. Mental

3.2.1. more optimistic

4. Social

4.1. Government

4.1.1. more tax income

4.1.2. less expenditure on health promlem

4.2. company

4.2.1. restaurant

4.2.2. less income