Application Of Information Technology

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Application Of Information Technology par Mind Map: Application Of Information Technology

1. Education

1.1. Learning Management Systerm/ Course Management System

1.1.1. Tools for class preparation

1.1.2. Access course medical, grades and assessment

1.2. Computer-based training

1.2.1. Generates visual or environment for training

1.2.2. Flight simulator used by pilots before flying new plane

2. Publishing

2.1. Online Newspaper/Magazine

2.1.1. Allows people to read newspaper/magazine online

2.2. Online Photo/Card Printing

2.2.1. Allows people to send and printing through online

3. Health Care

3.1. Medline

3.1.1. Many website provide up-to-date medical fitness, nutrition or exercise

3.2. Counter Registration System

3.2.1. Hospitals and doctors use computer and mobile device to maintain and access patient record

3.3. Telemedicine

3.3.1. Provide clinical health care from a distance

4. Goverment

4.1. HRMIS

4.1.1. Online system for updating government employee information

4.2. e-Filing

4.2.1. Online system for declaring tax

4.3. e-Syariah

4.3.1. Provide information to public and members of the Syariah Court to get the lates information

5. Finance

5.1. Online banking

5.1.1. Access account balances, pay bills amd view monthlt statement

5.2. Finance Investment System

5.2.1. Investors can buy and sell stocks & bond online without using broker

6. Travel

6.1. Global Positioning System

6.1.1. Helps user to track routes for specific location

6.2. Automatic Roaming System

6.2.1. Telecomunication companies automatic roaming for travelers to travel abroad

6.3. Online Reservation System

6.3.1. Transportation & accommandation reservation can be done through website