Seven aspects of civilization By Zakk Smail and Tyler Henry

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Seven aspects of civilization By Zakk Smail and Tyler Henry par Mind Map: Seven aspects of civilization By Zakk Smail and Tyler Henry

1. Sumerians

1.1. Geography and Agriculture

1.1.1. Rivers bordered the land, the Tigris and Euphrates

1.1.2. The Soil was very fertile

1.1.3. The land in between the rivers was desert

1.1.4. The Rivers flooded frequently

1.2. Religion

1.2.1. Practiced Polytheism, or the belief in many Gods

1.2.2. Believed god protected each city-state

1.2.3. Believed Gods were like humans in the aspect that they ate and drank

1.2.4. Worked hard to please the gods

1.3. Social and family structure

1.3.1. There was a social hierarchy, Kings were number 1, priests were number 2, large land owners were 3, farmers were 4, slaves were at the bottom

1.3.2. Men had political power and made laws

1.3.3. Women stayed home and watched the children

1.3.4. Very Few women recieved education

1.4. Government and leaders

1.4.1. Kings Served as Gods chief representative

1.4.2. Priest held high status and initially governed city states

1.4.3. War chiefs rose to power

1.4.4. Kings started dynasties

1.5. Economy and Trade

1.5.1. Traded for materials for their buildings and art

1.5.2. Traded for raw meterials they lacked like wood and metal

1.6. Science and Technology

1.6.1. Invented the wheel

1.6.2. Invented the plow

1.6.3. They built sewers

1.6.4. Performed basic surgery

1.6.5. Collected medical info

1.7. Arts and Education

1.7.1. Sumerians came up with their own writing called cuneiform

1.7.2. Used sharp tools called styluses to make symbols on clay tablets

1.7.3. Devolved a basic math system based on the number 60

1.7.4. Made small objects out of ivory

2. Sumerian Artifacts

3. Sumerian Tools

4. Shang/Zhou art

5. Shang religious artifiact

6. Shang/Zhou

6.1. Geography and Agriculture

6.1.1. Located in Southwest Asia

6.1.2. Climate was cold and dry

6.1.3. The land was a mix of desert plains and rivers running through the land

6.1.4. A farming society

6.2. Religion

6.2.1. The Centeral idea of their worship is and ancestor worship

6.2.2. Worshiped tombs

6.2.3. Prayed to ancestor in seek of their advice

6.2.4. Worshiped oracle bones

6.3. Government and Leaders

6.3.1. Ruled by monarchy

6.3.2. King made rules and was a judge

6.3.3. Anyone who dissagreed with the king would be killed

6.3.4. The clan with the best amry would rule the civilization

6.4. Economy and Trade

6.4.1. Fishing became a big industry

6.4.2. Craftsmanship was a big industry and very important

6.4.3. Traded arts and silk for bronze

6.4.4. Didn't like trading with foriegners

6.5. Science

6.5.1. Used a lunar calendar, had a 360 day calendar

6.5.2. Created music instraments

6.5.3. Used Bronze to create many of their tools

6.5.4. One of their main studies was astronomy

6.6. Arts and Education

6.6.1. Invented chinese writing

6.6.2. Shang text used pictures

6.6.3. made ritual vessels out of bronze

6.6.4. Built decorative tombs and houses

6.7. Social Structure and family

6.7.1. Followed a social class of land owners, military men, bronze workers, and pesents

6.7.2. Kings younger brothers and nephews would control smaller areas inside of china for the king

6.7.3. Men were rulers, military, and workers

6.7.4. Women stayed hoe and watched childeren

7. Land of Sumer

8. Sumerian art

9. Map of Shang dynasty River civilization

10. Shang/Zhou technology