20th vs. 21st Century Approaches IDEAL PEDAGOGY

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20th vs. 21st Century Approaches IDEAL PEDAGOGY par Mind Map: 20th vs. 21st Century Approaches IDEAL PEDAGOGY

1. Long term project-Based Learning

1.1. long-term projects that build off various smaller projects

2. Guided learning and Experimenting

2.1. student experimentation

2.2. teacher guided, student exploration

3. Variety

3.1. give students choices of Styles

3.2. include and introduce a variety of creative techniques

3.3. no cookie cutter assignments

4. 20th Century Approach

4.1. develop student's ability to understand and appreciate art

4.1.1. "Elements of Art"

5. 21st Century Approaches

6. Inquiry based learning

7. Communicate Personality

7.1. allow students to communicate personal ideas, concepts and styles.

8. Student / Teacher Collaboration

9. Students should understand why they are doing what they are doing, not just what they are doing

10. Active learning

10.1. asking questions

10.2. solving problems

10.3. provoking curiosity in the students

11. Critical thinking

11.1. think about what makes art, 'art'

11.2. think about the meaning not just the process

12. Creative freedom

12.1. Explore different types of art and media

12.2. utilize a variety of mediums

13. Freedom to explore

14. Make Meaning

14.1. Art should be created and taught for meaning, not to replicate "famous" works

15. Diversity in each students final pieces