Multimedia Technology In Education

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Multimedia Technology In Education par Mind Map: Multimedia Technology In Education

1. What is Multimedia?

1.1. Multimedia is the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio, and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate. Source:

2. Elements

2.1. Static

2.1.1. Text

2.1.2. Graphic

2.2. Dynamic

2.2.1. Audio

2.2.2. Animation

2.2.3. Video

3. Disadvantages

3.1. Distracting

3.2. Costly

3.3. Slower loading times

4. Advantages

4.1. Deeper understanding

4.2. Improved problem solving

4.3. Increase learning effectiveness

5. Challenges

5.1. Professional development

5.2. Resistance to change

5.3. MOOCs and other new models for schooling.

5.4. Delivering informal learning

5.5. Failures of personalized learning

5.6. Failure to use technology to deliver effective formative assessments

6. Hardware

6.1. Computer

6.2. Camera

6.3. Audio

6.4. Speakers

7. Software

7.1. Text

7.2. Video

7.3. Animation

7.4. Graphic

7.5. Audio

8. The future

8.1. Diverse time and place

8.2. Free choice

8.3. Field experience

8.4. Exam will change