OPPORTUNITY X TEMPLATE Social Capital Strategy

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OPPORTUNITY X TEMPLATE Social Capital Strategy par Mind Map: OPPORTUNITY X TEMPLATE  Social Capital Strategy

1. Harrison

1.1. Find great companies to invest in

1.2. Snowboarding

2. Kelly

3. Jacob

3.1. Add a link to their LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter profile

4. Scott

5. 8). Add their needs to any of the people as a child node

5.1. Sample Need

6. Instructions

6.1. 11). As you proceed add Tasks for yourself (look at the Paul shape)

6.1.1. Yup, just like that...

6.2. 1). Make a copy of this template

6.3. 2). Identify all of the people linked to the opportunity

6.4. 3). Add a star symbol to any Deciders

6.5. 4). Add a flexing arm symbol to any Influencers

6.6. 5). Add a clapping hands symbol to any Supporters

6.7. 6). Place any of the people you don't know yet on the left side of the diagram

6.8. 7). Pull anyone you know and who is on your side over to the right side of the diagram

6.9. 9). Map any mutual connections as relationships (Alt+C)

6.10. 10). Update the map as it evolves - you can use the History feature to review your progress

7. Alex

8. Sandra

9. Paul

9.1. Honduras travel

9.1.1. Send Paul Honduras travel tips

9.2. Wants connections in legal community

10. Bianca

11. Brian

11.1. Wants you to success

11.2. Math tutor for daughter

11.3. Coaching clients