Google Docs: A Learning Technology

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Google Docs: A Learning Technology par Mind Map: Google Docs: A Learning Technology

1. Teacher Goals

1.1. Make a curriculum to DESE standards or that of your schools.

1.2. Giving direct and thorough instruction to your students so they have the ability to reach those standards.

1.3. Being a role model and model community member to set a positive example for our students not only in school but out of school.

1.4. Create a nurturing and positive environment for our students in our classrooms.

1.5. Be a resource and a listener that kids can go to if they are struggling with a school related problem but also a life problem as well.

1.6. We must be an engaging coworker, helping make the school a better place in any way, be a coach or any position needed by the school that we can fill.

1.7. Manage the classroom day in and day out, kids need that dominant figure (us as teachers) in their lives every day.

1.8. Get the best out of our kids and make sure they are actively engaged.

2. Learning Assessment

2.1. Diagnostic assessment- see what the students already know about google docs.

2.2. Formative assessment- learning through providing feedback.

2.3. Synoptic assessment- allows students to show off their ability and knowledge of a certain subject.

2.4. Ipsative assessment- based on effort based attribution.

2.5. Dynamic assessment- access general learning potential for students.

3. Google Docs support:

4. Help seamlessly incorporate:

5. An affective form of:

6. Learning Goals

6.1. Understand how to create a clear and cohesive essay

6.2. Understand how to collaborate and communicate successfully with peers.

6.3. Understand the parts of an essay and how to incorporate them.

6.4. Demonstrate the ability to incorporate ideas from various sources.

6.5. Demonstrate the ability to create a table and analyze their results

6.6. Students can analyze and provide feedback on peers work.

6.7. Students will show their knowledge on Google Docs by creating a table or a short story.

6.8. Students will be able to create a references page using the correct format.

7. Learning Activities

7.1. Students will write an essay step by step in their Google Doc in order to learn how to write each part of an essay.

7.2. Students will work on a group project in their content area using Google Docs in order to work on the project outside of the classroom.

7.3. Students will conduct research on a topic of their choice and save the information in their Google Doc.

7.4. After reading an article, students will analyze it in their Google Doc.

7.5. While students are constructing their essay piece by piece, other students will provide peer editing comments using the comments section of the Google Doc.

7.6. Students will write a short story of their choosing in the Google Doc.

7.7. Students will create a reference sheet for any sources used and put it in Google Doc format.