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Chapter 5 par Mind Map: Chapter 5

1. Rome

1.1. Culture

1.1.1. Philosophy separate from religion, based on culture from Greece and Mediterranean Islands

1.2. Human-Environment

1.2.1. Expanded Empire greatly through southern Europe and northern Africa

1.3. Economic Structures

1.3.1. Conquered territories made up for a majority of their funds

1.3.2. Grain trade supervised by gov., regulated vital supplies for nation as well

1.4. Political Structures

1.4.1. Senate and counsels, laws changed based on conditions being altered

1.4.2. Republic and Empire

1.5. Social Structures

1.5.1. Slaves used for labor

1.5.2. Heavy focus on olympic games, slaves often athletes

2. Greece

2.1. Culture

2.1.1. Hellenistic Period changed art and culture, both mixed with those from Middle East due to Macedonian Conquests

2.1.2. Ancient mathematicians brought up the basics of geometry and proofs

2.1.3. Hippocrates credited with establishing modern medicine

2.2. Human-Environment

2.2.1. Sparta (military aristocracy) dominated slave population

2.2.2. Alexander the Great expanded Macedonian empire through the middle east, Persia, India and Egypt

2.3. Economic Structures

2.3.1. Large dependence on imported goods, poor soil quality gave a great need for agricultural trade

2.4. Political Structures

2.4.1. Direct Democracy, people participate directly in making laws and selecting leaders

2.5. Social Structures

2.5.1. Broken up between free people and slaves, slaves did labor and did not have rights

3. Persia

3.1. Culture

3.1.1. Religiously were Zoroastrian

3.2. Human-Environment

3.2.1. Dominated much of the middle east

3.2.2. System of roads developed

3.3. Economic Structures

3.3.1. Roads allowed for trade, easier tax collection

3.4. Political Structures

3.4.1. Invaded Greece due to revolt against Persian rule

3.4.2. Xerxes took control of invasion

3.4.3. Government held large levels of tolerance for culture and language

3.5. Social Structures

3.5.1. Postal service, many religions accepted