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Assessments par Mind Map: Assessments

1. Formative

1.1. Definition: Formative assessments are used to monitor student’s learning to provide ongoing feedback which can be used to adjust teaching and increase student understanding of the objective.

1.1.1. Examples Concept map to display understanding of topic Exit ticket

2. Summative

2.1. Definition: Summative assessments are used to evaluate student’s learning at the end of an instructional unit.

2.1.1. Examples Standardized tests Midterm exams

3. Performance

3.1. Definition: A performance assessment is any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency.

3.1.1. Examples Group/Individual Projects Student portfolios

4. Diagnostic

4.1. Definition: Diagnostic assessments provide instructors with information about student's prior knowledge before beginning an activity.

4.1.1. Examples Assessments from the previous activity Pre-assessments

5. Interim/Benchmark

5.1. Definition: Interim assessments evaluate student's learning progress and determine whether they are on track to performing well on future assessments, such as standardized tests or end-of-course exams

5.1.1. Examples Chapter Test Extended essay

6. Assessment Data

6.1. MAP: Essential Knowledge and Skills ELAR. After analyzing the data, I chose 3 students who scored below grade level. Median RIT = 143

6.1.1. Student 1: 127 Student 1 scored Low in Foundational Skills and Vocabulary, and LoAvg in Comprehension and Writing/Language. Strategies to improve scores

6.1.2. Student 2: 136 Student 2 score HiAvg in Foundational Skills, LoAvg in Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Writing/Language. Strategies to improve scores

6.1.3. Student 3: 138 Student 3 scored Avg in Foundational Skills, Low in Comprehension, High in Vocabulary, and LoAvg in Writing/Language. Strategies to improve scores

7. HOT Questions

7.1. Opening

7.1.1. What do you know about ______?

7.1.2. What do you predict this story will be about?

7.2. Guiding

7.2.1. What connection can you make to the character in the story?

7.2.2. How is this story similar/different from______?

7.3. Closing

7.3.1. Do you agree with the character's decision to ____? Why or why not?

7.3.2. How could we tell act out this story? Ask students to decide on props to use in their performance.