Online generation

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Online generation par Mind Map: Online generation

1. Netiquette

1.1. Think before posting

1.2. Think about your use of language

2. Living Life Online

2.1. Cyber bullying

2.2. Online identity

2.2.1. An addiction

3. 10 selfies taken the moments before death

3.1. The perfect selfie

3.2. Drive, when you drive

4. Study

4.1. Selfie culture

4.2. provocative posting

5. #Selfie

5.1. Addiction

5.2. superficial

6. Growing up, building a new identity

6.1. Parents become annoying

6.2. Challenges

6.3. Friends mean everything

7. Selfies, a visual analysis

7.1. Selfie culture

7.2. acclaim

7.3. Different ways to take a selfie

8. Cyber bullying virus

8.1. Virus

8.2. The youth

8.3. In some cases its end up with suicide