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Fazer par Mind Map: Fazer

1. Youtube

1.1. Various videos

1.1.1. history

1.1.2. product

1.1.3. fun videos

1.1.4. recipes

1.2. posts

1.2.1. almost every 2 weeks

1.3. After Google most used search engine

2. Snapchat

2.1. take short videos of production -> insights

2.2. parternship with influencer

2.3. link on website to get new followers

2.4. best way to reach younger audience

3. LinkedIn

3.1. daily updates

3.2. career page/job offers

3.3. showcase page - fazer food and services

3.4. online recruiting

4. Twitter

4.1. company profile

4.2. advertisement of products & innovations

4.3. tweet pictures & 6 sec. videos

4.4. retweet tweets from customers for advert.

5. Facebook

5.1. simple and recognizable profile picture

5.2. call our button -> feedback- and contact page

5.3. clear and simple information page,

5.4. two or three updates per day