Module Cartographique

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Module Cartographique par Mind Map: Module Cartographique

1. Configuration générale

1.1. server_conf

1.1.1. nom_du_projet.ini Liste des plugins à charger côté server ; plugin configuration and loading mapInfo.loadPlugins = exportPdf, layerReorder, edit, geostat, mapOverlay Définition de l'encodage utilisé ; Charset encoder class EncoderClass.config = EncoderLatin1 Paramétrage des états initiaux (initialMapStates) mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.communes.selected = true mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.strates_botaniques.selected = true mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.poly.selected = true mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.poly.hidden = true mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.ruchers_geostat.hidden = true mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.scan.selected = true mapInfo.initialMapStates.default.layers.orthophoto.selected = true

1.1.2. Mapfile MAP NAME "PNRM" EXTENT 670683 1589628 754544 1647504 IMAGETYPE PNG IMAGECOLOR 192 232 255 STATUS ON UNITS METERS FONTSET "fonts.txt" SYMBOLSET "symbols.txt" SHAPEPATH "data" OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "png" FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" TRANSPARENT OFF END #MAP OUTPUTFORMAT NAME jpeg DRIVER "GD/JPEG" MIMETYPE "image/jpeg" I MAGEMODE RGB EXTENSION "jpg" FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF" FORMATOPTION "QUALITY=100" END #OUTPUTFORMAT REFERENCE IMAGE images/RefMap.png EXTENT 698383.792986125 1590601.15580099 740808.949855043 1619339.64902655 STATUS OFF COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 200 0 0 SIZE 224 150 END #REFERENCE SCALEBAR POSTLABELCACHE TRUE STATUS embed POSITION lr STYLE 0 UNITS kilometers SIZE 210 3 TRANSPARENT TRUE COLOR 255 0 0 IMAGECOLOR 242 255 195 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE SMALL COLOR 0 0 0 POSITION UR BUFFER 10 END #STYLE END #SCALEBAR LEGEND KEYSIZE 20 15 POSITION ul END #LEGEND PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END #PROJECTION ####### RASTER ###### LAYER NAME "poly" CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres password=******" DATA "the_geom from poly" STATUS DEFAULT TEMPLATE "ttt" TYPE POLYGON MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "poly" STYLE COLOR 192 232 255 END #style END #class END #Layer LAYER NAME "scan" STATUS ON T ILEINDEX "index_scan.shp" TILEITEM "Location" TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 10000 MAXSCALE 250000 END #LAYER LAYER NAME "orthophoto" STATUS ON TILEINDEX "index_ortho.shp" TILEITEM "Location" TYPE RASTER PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3" OFFSITE 71 74 65 MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 10000 E ND #LAYER ######## VECTEUR ####### LAYER NAME "communes" CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from communes" TYPE POLYGON TEMPLATE "ttt" STATUS default LABELMINSCALE 0 LABELMAXSCALE 80000 LABELITEM "commune" MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "Communes" LABEL TYPE truetype FONT vera SIZE 14 COLOR 120 120 120 POSITION cc ANTIALIAS true BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 END #LABEL STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 230 230 230 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "commune arrondissement constitution population superficie ruch_commune departement code_postal" END # metadata END #LAYER ####### STRATES BOTA ###### LAYER NAME 'strates_botaniques' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from strates_botaniques_1976" STATUS ON TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 100 TEMPLATE "ttt" MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME '"Savanes" sommitales' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '1') STYLE COLOR 0 38 115 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt dégradée d altitude' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '2') STYLE COLOR 0 77 168 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Arrière-mangrove à fougère dorée' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '3') STYLE COLOR 223 115 255 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Arrière-mangrove à palétuvier gris' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '4') STYLE COLOR 232 190 255 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Mangrove maritime' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '5') STYLE COLOR 197 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Végétation mésophile' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '6') STYLE COLOR 255 255 115 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Végétation xérophile' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '7') STYLE COLOR 255 255 190 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Plages sableuse' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '8') STYLE COLOR 255 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt hygrophile' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '9') STYLE COLOR 0 115 76 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt hygrophile - cultures prédominantes' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '10') STYLE COLOR 0 168 132 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt méso-hygrophile' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '11') STYLE COLOR 38 115 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt méso-hygrophile - cultures prédominantes' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '12') STYLE COLOR 56 168 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt tropophile' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '13') STYLE COLOR 115 76 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt tropophile - Stades dégradés' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '14') STYLE COLOR 168 112 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Forêt tropophile - cultures prédominantes' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '15') STYLE COLOR 230 152 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Agglomération de Fort-de-France' EXPRESSION ('[type_code]' eq '17') STYLE COLOR 225 225 225 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "libelle1 type interet_me description" END #METADATA END #LAYER ######BATIMENTS###### LAYER NAME batiments CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from batiments" STATUS DEFAULT TEMPLATE "ttt" TYPE POLYGON MAXSCALE 150000 MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "Batiments" STYLE COLOR 129 129 126 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END #style END #class END #Layer ####### RISQUES ###### LAYER NAME "vents" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from vents" TRANSPARENCY 40 MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "Au vent" EXPRESSION ('[type_vent]' eq 'au vent') STYLE SYMBOL "dashed" SIZE 3 COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME "Sous le vent" EXPRESSION ('[type_vent]' eq 'sous le vent') STYLE SYMBOL "dashed" SIZE 3 COLOR 0 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER LAYER NAME "ALEA_INONDATION" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from alea_innondation" TRANSPARENCY 100 MAXSCALE 150000 MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "ALEA_INONDATION" STYLE COLOR 185 182 255 OUTLINECOLOR 185 182 255 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER LAYER NAME "ALEA_SUBMERSION" TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from alea_submersion" TRANSPARENCY 100 MAXSCALE 150000 MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "ALEA_SUBMERSION" STYLE SYMBOL "dashed" SIZE 3 COLOR 185 182 255 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER LAYER NAME "ALEA_HOULE" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from alea_houle" TRANSPARENCY 100 MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 150000 CLASS NAME "ALEA_HOULE" STYLE SYMBOL "dashed" SIZE 3 COLOR 160 160 160 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER LAYER NAME "bananeraie" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from bananeraie" TRANSPARENCY 100 MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 150000 CLASS NAME "bananeraie" STYLE SYMBOL "dashed" SIZE 3 COLOR 240 240 100 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER ####### INTERET MIEL ###### LAYER NAME "interet_mellifere" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from interet_mellifere" TEMPLATE "ttt" MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME 'Faible Intérêt Mellifère' EXPRESSION ('[interet]' eq '2') STYLE COLOR 167 207 180 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END END CLASS NAME 'Intérêt Mellifère Moyen' EXPRESSION ('[interet]' eq '3') STYLE COLOR 118 168 130 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END END CLASS NAME 'Fort Intérêt Mellifère' EXPRESSION ('[interet]' eq '4') STYLE COLOR 0 115 76 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END CLASS NAME 'Saint sacrement' EXPRESSION ('[interet]' eq '5') STYLE SYMBOL 'fill45' COLOR 0 0 0 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 0 115 76 SIZE 8 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "libelle1 libelle2 type interet" END #METADATA END #LAYER ####### SOLE AGRI ###### LAYER NAME 'sole_agricole' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from sole_agricole" STATUS on TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 100 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels TEMPLATE "ttt" CLASSITEM 'libelle' MAXSCALE 10000 MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME 'Fruit cultivation' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Fruit cultivation') STYLE COLOR 170 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Bois, végétation arbustive, ravine' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Bois, végétation arbustive, ravine') STYLE COLOR 38 115 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Canne à sucre' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Canne à sucre') STYLE COLOR 116 179 116 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Friche' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Friche') STYLE COLOR 233 255 190 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Horticulture' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Horticulture, plantes ornementales plein champ') STYLE COLOR 255 0 197 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Jachère (rotation culture)' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Jachère (rotation culture)') STYLE COLOR 211 255 190 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Maraîchage' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Maraichage plein champ') STYLE COLOR 232 190 255 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Melon, Pastèque' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Melon, Pastèque') STYLE COLOR 255 170 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'Savanes naturelles' EXPRESSION ('[libelle]' eq 'Savanes naturelles - Surfaces fourrageres (alimentation du betail)') STYLE COLOR 168 112 0 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' 'parcelid libelle' END #METADATA END #LAYER ####### DENSITE DE RUCHES PAR HECTARE ###### LAYER NAME 'ruchers_ha' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from commune_region" STATUS on TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 100 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels CLASSITEM 'ruch_ha' MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME '0' EXPRESSION ([ruch_ha] = 0) STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '0 - 0.05' EXPRESSION ([ruch_ha] > 0 AND [ruch_ha] <= 5E-02) STYLE COLOR 252 221 93 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '0.05 - 0.075' EXPRESSION ([ruch_ha] > 5E-02 AND [ruch_ha] <= 7.5E-02) STYLE COLOR 247 186 62 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '0.075 - 0.1' EXPRESSION ([ruch_ha] > 7.5E-02 AND [ruch_ha] <= 0.1) STYLE COLOR 214 133 34 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '0.1 - 0.15' EXPRESSION ([ruch_ha] > 0.1 AND [ruch_ha] <= 0.15) STYLE COLOR 158 68 16 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '0.15 et plus' EXPRESSION ([ruch_ha] > 0.15) STYLE COLOR 128 38 6 OUTLINECOLOR 110 110 110 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "" END END #LAYER ####### NOMBRE DE RUCHES PAR KM² ###### LAYER NAME 'hives_number' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from coup_maill" STATUS on TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 100 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels CLASSITEM 'sum_ruch_n' MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME '0 ruche' EXPRESSION ([sum_ruch_n] = 0) STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 225 225 225 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '1 à 10 ruches' EXPRESSION ([sum_ruch_n] > 0.5 AND [sum_ruch_n] <= 10) STYLE COLOR 255 255 190 OUTLINECOLOR 225 225 225 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '10 à 50 ruches' EXPRESSION ([sum_ruch_n] > 10 AND [sum_ruch_n] <= 50) STYLE COLOR 255 219 0 OUTLINECOLOR 225 225 225 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '50 à 100 ruches' EXPRESSION ([sum_ruch_n] > 50 AND [sum_ruch_n] <= 100) STYLE COLOR 255 161 0 OUTLINECOLOR 225 225 225 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '100 à 200 ruches' EXPRESSION ([sum_ruch_n] > 100 AND [sum_ruch_n] <= 200) STYLE COLOR 168 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 225 225 225 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "" END END #LAYER ####### HYDRO SURFACE ###### LAYER NAME 'surface_eau' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from surface_eau" STATUS on TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 100 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 100000 CLASSITEM 'nature' CLASS NAME 'surface_eau' EXPRESSION STYLE COLOR 0 112 255 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS END ####### HYDRO LIGNE ###### LAYER NAME 'cours_eau' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from cours_eau" STATUS on TYPE Line TRANSPARENCY 100 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 100000 CLASSITEM 'sol' CLASS NAME 'cours_eau' STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 1 COLOR 0 112 255 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER ####### ROUTES ###### LAYER NAME 'routes' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from routenationale" STATUS on TYPE Line TRANSPARENCY 100 TEMPLATE "ttt" MINSCALE 1000 #MAXSCALE 120000 CLASS NAME 'routes' STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 2 COLOR 230 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "route lib_rte" END END #LAYER ####### CHEMINS ###### LAYER NAME 'chemins' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from routedepartementale" STATUS on TYPE Line TRANSPARENCY 100 TEMPLATE 'ttt' MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 100000 CLASS NAME 'chemin' STYLE COLOR 255 167 127 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "route longueur" END END #LAYER ####### PRESSION APICOLE ###### LAYER NAME 'pression_apicole' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from pression_apicole" STATUS default TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 80 TEMPLATE "ttt" CLASSITEM 'distance' MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME '1000 m' EXPRESSION ('[distance]' eq '2000') STYLE COLOR 255 204 225 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '800 m' EXPRESSION ('[distance]' eq '2200') STYLE COLOR 247 168 197 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '600 m' EXPRESSION ('[distance]' eq '2400') STYLE COLOR 237 130 170 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '400 m' EXPRESSION ('[distance]' eq '2600') STYLE COLOR 224 94 144 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '200 m' EXPRESSION ('[distance]' eq '2800') STYLE COLOR 212 59 120 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME '0 m' EXPRESSION ('[distance]' eq '3000') STYLE COLOR 199 0 99 OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' "" END END #LAYER ####### HYDRO POINT ###### LAYER NAME "point_eau" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from point_eau" MINSCALE 1000 MAXSCALE 50000 CLASS NAME "point_eau" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 5 COLOR 0 0 255 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER ####### RUCHERS ###### LAYER NAME "rucher_prod" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from rucher_prod" MINSCALE 1000 TEMPLATE "ttt" CLASS NAME "Pas de données" EXPRESSION ([prod_moy] = 0) STYLE SYMBOL "circle2" SIZE 8 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME "1-15 litres/an" EXPRESSION ([prod_moy] >= 1 AND [prod_moy] <= 15) STYLE SYMBOL "airport" SIZE 11 COLOR 255 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME "15-30 litres/an" EXPRESSION ([prod_moy] > 15 AND [prod_moy] <= 30) STYLE SYMBOL "airport" SIZE 14 COLOR 255 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME "30-50 litres/an" EXPRESSION ([prod_moy] > 30 AND [prod_moy] <= 50) STYLE SYMBOL "airport" SIZE 17 COLOR 255 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME "50-100 litres/an" EXPRESSION ([prod_moy] > 50 AND [prod_moy] <= 100) STYLE SYMBOL "airport" SIZE 20 COLOR 255 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS CLASS NAME "100-180 litres/an" EXPRESSION ([prod_moy] > 100 AND [prod_moy] <= 180) STYLE SYMBOL "airport" SIZE 23 COLOR 255 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' 'ruch_id nombre_de_ruches espece etat photo' END END #LAYER LAYER NAME "ruchers_fd" TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from ruchers_fd" MINSCALE 1000 TEMPLATE "ttt" CLASS NAME "Ruchers" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 6 COLOR 255 0 0 END #STYLE END #CLASS METADATA 'id_attribute_string' 'gid' # query 'query_returned_attributes' 'ruch_id nombre_de_ruches espece etat photo' "exported_values" "recenter_name_string,id_attribute_string" END END #LAYER ####### DENSITE DE RUCHES PAR HECTARE DU MODULE GEOSTAT ###### LAYER NAME 'ruchers_geostat' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from commune_region" STATUS on TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 85 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels CLASSITEM 'ruch_commu' MINSCALE 1000 CLASS STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER LAYER NAME 'commune_prod_geostat' CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=apimap user=postgres DATA "the_geom from commune_prod" STATUS on TYPE Polygon TRANSPARENCY 90 TOLERANCE 7 TOLERANCEUNITS pixels CLASSITEM 'sum_prod' MINSCALE 1000 CLASS NAME "geostat" STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END #STYLE END #CLASS END #LAYER ############## # END LAYERS # ############## END #MAPFILE

1.1.3. layers.ini Mise en place de la hiérarchie des couches ; whether to generate class icons automatically autoClassLegend = true ; ------------------- COUCHES ----------------------- layers.orthophoto.className = Layer layers.orthophoto.label = Orthophoto layers.orthophoto.msLayer = orthophoto layers.scan.className = Layer layers.scan.label = Scan layers.scan.msLayer = scan layers.strates_botaniques_1976.className = Layer layers.strates_botaniques_1976.label = Intérêt Mellifère layers.strates_botaniques_1976.msLayer = interet_mellifere layers.strates_botaniques_1976.icon = fantome.png"" layers.strates_botaniques.className = Layer layers.strates_botaniques.label = Strates Botaniques layers.strates_botaniques.msLayer = strates_botaniques layers.strates_botaniques.icon = fantome.png = "" layers.sole_agricole.className = Layer layers.sole_agricole.label = Sole Agricole layers.sole_agricole.msLayer = sole_agricole layers.sole_agricole.icon = fantome.png = "" layers.communes.className = Layer layers.communes.label = Limites Administratives layers.communes.msLayer = communes = "" layers.communes.metadata.maxScale = 1450000 layers.batiments.className = Layer layers.batiments.label = Batiments layers.batiments.msLayer = batiments layers.batiments.metadata.maxScale = 1450000 = "" layers.vents.className = Layer layers.vents.label = Vents layers.vents.msLayer = vents layers.vents.icon = fantome.png = "" layers.ALEA_INONDATION.className = Layer layers.ALEA_INONDATION.label = Inondation layers.ALEA_INONDATION.msLayer = ALEA_INONDATION = "" layers.ALEA_HOULE.className = Layer layers.ALEA_HOULE.label = Houle layers.ALEA_HOULE.msLayer = ALEA_HOULE = "" layers.ALEA_SUBMERSION.className = Layer layers.ALEA_SUBMERSION.label = Submersion layers.ALEA_SUBMERSION.msLayer = ALEA_SUBMERSION = "" layers.bananeraie.className = Layer layers.bananeraie.label = Bananeraie layers.bananeraie.msLayer = bananeraie = "" layers.rucher.className = Layer layers.rucher.label = Densité de ruches/hectare layers.rucher.msLayer = ruchers_ha layers.rucher.icon = fantome.png layers.pression_apicole.className = Layer l ayers.pression_apicole.label = Pression Apicole layers.pression_apicole.msLayer = pression_apicole layers.pression_apicole.icon = pression_apicole.png l = "" layers.hives_number.className = Layer layers.hives_number.label = Nombre de ruches/km² layers.hives_number.msLayer = hives_number layers.hives_number.icon = densite_ruchers.png layers.ruchers_fd.className = Layer layers.ruchers_fd.label = Ruchers layers.ruchers_fd.msLayer = ruchers_fd = "" layers.rucher_prod.className = Layer layers.rucher_prod.label = Production moyenne des ruchers layers.rucher_prod.msLayer = rucher_prod layers.rucher_prod.icon = fantome.png layers.surface_eau.className = Layer layers.surface_eau.label = Sruface en eau layers.surface_eau.msLayer = surface_eau = "" layers.cours_eau.className = Layer layers.cours_eau.label = Rivières, Ruisseaux layers.cours_eau.msLayer = cours_eau = "" layers.point_eau.className = Layer layers.point_eau.label = Source d'eau layers.point_eau.msLayer = point_eau = "" layers.routes.className = Layer layers.routes.label = Routes layers.routes.msLayer = routes = "" layers.chemins.className = Layer layers.chemins.label = Chemins layers.chemins.msLayer = chemins = "" ; ------------------- GROUPES DE COUCHES ----------------------- layers.ruches.className = LayerGroup layers.ruches.children = ruchers_fd, pression_apicole, hives_number, rucher, rucher_prod layers.ruches.label = Apiculture layers.botanique.className = LayerGroup layers.botanique.children = sole_agricole, strates_botaniques_1976, strates_botaniques layers.botanique.label = Environnment et Botanique layers.transport.className = LayerGroup layers.transport.children = chemins, routes layers.transport.label = Transport layers.hydro.className = LayerGroup layers.hydro.children = point_eau, cours_eau, surface_eau layers.hydro.label = Hydrologie layers.risques.className = LayerGroup layers.risques.children = vents, ALEA_HOULE, ALEA_SUBMERSION, ALEA_INONDATION, bananeraie layers.risques.label = Risques layers.rasters.className = LayerGroup layers.rasters.children = orthophoto, scan layers.rasters.label = Fonds de carte ; ------------------- ENSEMBLE DES GROUPES ET DES COUCHES ----------------------- layers.root.className = LayerGroup layers.root.rendering = layers.root.children = ruches, transport, hydro, botanique, risques, rasters, communes, batiments, poly

1.2. client_conf

1.2.1. client.ini Définition de la BaseUrl de cartoclient cartoclientBaseUrl = "http://localhost/cartoweb3/htdocs" Définition du type de Profile du projet profile = development Nom du projet mapId = pnrm Liste des plugins à charger ;## Plugins ## ; the list of plugins to load, separated by comma loadPlugins = pnrmQuery, exportCsv, exportPdf, toolTips, auth, edit, layerReorder, geostat, mapOverlay, metier Activation de l'Ajax ajaxOn = true Configuration du cache smartyCompilecheck = false

1.2.2. images.ini Liste des valeurs possible de la taille de la fenêtre cartographique mapSizesActive = true mapSizesDefault = 3 mapSizes.0.label = 430x300 mapSizes.0.width = 400 mapSizes.0.height = 300 mapSizes.1.label = 600x420 mapSizes.1.width = 600 mapSizes.1.height = 420 mapSizes.2.label = 860x600 mapSizes.2.width = 860 mapSizes.2.height = 600 mapSizes.3.label = 1200x600 mapSizes.3.width = 1250 mapSizes.3.height = 600 Activation de la carte de référence ;if true, keymap is shown on map, and possibly hidden collapsibleKeymap = false

2. Fonctionnalités

2.1. Plugins

2.1.1. Export PDF client_conf exportPdf.ini

2.1.2. Géostat client_conf geostat.ini server_conf geostat.ini

2.1.3. Ordre des couches client_conf layerReorder.ini

2.1.4. Requêtes Rechercher/Recentrer client_conf Interrogation des couches client_conf server_conf

2.1.5. Info_bulles client_conf toolTips.ini

2.1.6. Authentification client_conf auth.ini

3. Mise en forme

3.1. Templates

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id="label2"><a href="javascript:ontop(2)">{t}Ordre{/t}</a></li> <li id="label7"><a href="javascript:ontop(7)">{t}Requête{/t}</a></li> <li id="label4"><a href="javascript:ontop(4)">{t}PDF{/t}</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="container"> <!-- folder 1 starts here --> <div id="folder1" class="folder"> <br /> {$layers} <br /> <p style="text-align:right; vertical-align:middle;"> <a href="javascript:ontop(6);"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}help.gif{/r}" title="{t}Aide{/t}" alt="{t}Aide{/t}" style="margin-bottom:3px;"/></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="javascript:resetSession();"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}reset_session.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Remise à 0{/t}" title="{t}Remise à 0{/t}" style="padding-bottom:3px;"/> </a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="submit" id="refresh" name="refresh" value="{t}OK{/t}" class="form_button" style="margin-bottom:7px;" /> </p> </div> <!-- end of folder 1 --> <!-- folder 5 starts here --> <div id="folder2" class="folder"> {if $layerReorder|default:''} {$layerReorder} {/if} </div> <!-- end of folder 5 --> <!-- folder 9 starts here --> <div id="folder9" class="folder"> <br /> <table border="0" style="padding: 0px 0px 5px 5px; margin-top:0px;"> <tr> <td valign="top" > <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}abeilles.gif{/r}"/> </td> <td valign="top"> <div style="padding:0px 10px 0 10px;text-align:justify"> Ce site Web de présentation est développé pour fournir, au monde apicole, un outil de Webmapping intéressant. Nous mettons à votre disposition diverses bases de données: une base de données de bio-statistiques des espèces et ruchers du territoires, ainsi que des bases contenant des données environnmentales. </div><br> <table align="center" border="0"> <tr> <td><img src="{r type=gfx/layout}mapserver.jpg{/r}"/></td> <td><img valign="middle" src="{r type=gfx/layout}logo_cartoweb.png{/r}"/></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <fieldset style="margin:0px 8px 0 8px;"> <legend>Contact</legend> Dévelopement : <b>2D3D.GIS LLC</b> <br>Site web : <a target="_blank" href=""></a> <table style="margin-bottom:5px;"><tr><td>Tel :</td><td><img valign="middle" src="{r type=gfx/layout}tel_2d3d.png{/r}"/></td></tr></table> Collaboration : <b>APISERVICES</b> <br>Site web : <a target="_blank" href=""></a><br> <table><tr><td>Tel :</td><td><img valign="middle" src="{r type=gfx/layout}tel_apiservices.png{/r}"/></td></tr></table> </fieldset> </div> <!-- end of folder 4 --> <!-- folder 3 starts here --> <!-- end of folder 3 --> <!-- folder 3 starts here --> <div id="folder8" class="folder"> {if $geostat|default:''} {$geostat} {/if} </div> <!-- end of folder 3 --> <!-- folder 2 starts here --> <div id="folder4" class="folder"> <br /> {if $exportPdf|default:''} {$exportPdf} {else} <p> {t}Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à creer des PDF{/t}, {if $auth_active|default:''} {t}Connectez vous{/t} {$auth}. {/if} </p> {/if} </div> <!-- end of folder 2 --> <!-- folder 6 starts here --> <div id="folder5" class="folder" style="height:372px;"> <br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FE6D13"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}globe.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Globe{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Outils cartographiques{/t}</strong><br /> </td></tr> </table> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#88AFD3" align="center"> <strong>&nbsp;{t}Interface de navigation{/t}</strong> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"><strong></strong><br /> {t}Elle offre la possibilité de naviguer sur la carte principale, en changeant l'échelle ou la position d'observation{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" />{t}les flèches de déplacement;{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" />{t}tles outils de navigation (zoom et déplacement), qui seront détaillés après;{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}zoomin.gif{/r}" alt="{t}zoomin{/t}" /> {t}L'outil de zoom avant permet de zoomer sur une petite surface la carte. Cliquez sur cet outil et cliquez sur la carte, sur le centre de la région qui vous intéresse, ou dessinez un \"rectangle de zoom\" autour de cette zone. L'outil de zoom peut être utilisé plusieurs fois pour zoomer sur des zones de plus en plus petites.{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}zoomout.gif{/r}" alt="{t}zoomout{/t}" /> {t}L'outil de zoom arrière vous permet de vous positionner sur une surface de la carte plus étendu que l'état actuel.Cliquez sur cet outil et cliquez sur la carte au centre de la région qui vous intéresse. Le zoom arrière peut être utilisé plusieurs fois, jusqu'à arriver à la vue générale.{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}pan.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pan{/t}" />{t}L'outil de déplacement vous permets de vous déplacer sur la carte sans changer l'échelle de la carte. Cliquez sur l'outil de déplacement et déplacer le centre de visualisation en faisant un \"Cliquer_déplacer\".{/t}<br /><br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}fullextent.gif{/r}" alt="{t}fullextent{/t}" />{t}Le zoom vers la carte générale vous permets de quitter le zoom actuel et de revenir sur la vue générale.Il ne nécessite pas de clic sur la carte pour activer le déplacement. Il est activé dès que vous cliquez dessus.{/t}</p><br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#88AFD3" align="center"> <strong>&nbsp;{t}Outil de requêtes{/t}</strong> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"> {t} Il existe 2 possibilité de réaliser des requêtes:{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}query_by_point.gif{/r}" alt="{t}requête par point{/t}" />{t}En sélectionnant cet outil, vous êtes alors capable de faire une sélection par point des couches à requêter (Voir "Onglet requête").{/t}<br /> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}query_by_bbox.gif{/r}" alt="{t}requête par rectangle{/t}" />{t}Cet outil permet de réaliser une sélection en faisant un rectangle de sélection.(Voir "Onglet requête").{/t}<br /><br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#88AFD3" align="center"> <strong>&nbsp;{t}Outil de mesures{/t}</strong> </td></tr> </table> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}distance.gif{/r}" alt="{t}distance{/t}" /><img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}surface.gif{/r}" alt="{t}area{/t}" /> {t}Les distances et les surfaces peuvent être mesurés sur la carte avec ces outils{/t}</p><br /> <br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FE6D13"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Themes tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Onglet Thèmes{/t}</strong><br /> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"> {t}Cartoweb supporte une hiérarchie complexe de couches, avec un nombre de niveaux infini.Pour afficher une couche, il suffit de la sélectionner.{/t}<br /><br /> {t}Une fois votre couche choisie, cliquez sur le bouton {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}refresh.gif{/r}" alt="chargement du logo refresh" />{t} pour mettre à jour la carte.{/t} </p><br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FE6D13"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Onglet ordre{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Onglet Ordre{/t}</strong><br /> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"> {t}Ce module permet une réorganisation des couches. En sélectionnant la couche et en utilisant les boutons {/t}<img src="http://localhost/cartoweb3/htdocs/pnrm/layerReorder/gfx/reorderDown.gif"/>{t} et {/t}<img src="http://localhost/cartoweb3/htdocs/pnrm/layerReorder/gfx/reorderUp.gif"/>{t} pour les postionner plus ou moins haut dans la hiérarchie des couches.{/t}<br /> {t}Par ailleurs, il est posibble de choisir pour chaque couche, un certain niveau de transparence {/t}<br /> {t}Une fois l'ordre des couches et leur transparence choisie, cliquez sur le bouton {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}refresh.gif{/r}" alt="chargement du logo refresh" />{t} pour mettre à jour la carte.{/t} </p><br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FE6D13"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Onglet recentrage{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Onglet Recentrage{/t}</strong><br /> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"> {t}Ce module permet à la fois de rechercher et de Recentrer la carte sur une commune de son choix. Pour cela, il suffit de taper un ou plusieurs caractères dans le champ et cliquer sur le bouton OK. Apparait alors la liste des communes contenant la chaine de caractère recherchée. Afin de vous positionner sur la commune de votre choix, il suffit de sélectionner la commune et la carte se recentre automatiquement sur cette commune. {/t} </p><br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FE6D13"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Onglet requête{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Onglet Requêtes{/t}</strong><br /> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"> {t}Lié aux outils de requête, ce module permet de sélectionner la ou les couches que l'on souhaite interroger, que ce soit en point ou en réalisant un rectangle de sélection. {/t} </p><br /> <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="#326497"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Print tab{/t}" /><strong><font color="white">&nbsp;{t}Onglet PDF{/t}</font></strong><br /> </td></tr> </table> <p class="help_viewer"> {t}Cartoweb permet des exports au format PDF. Vous pouvez choisir dans cet onglet, les éléments de la carte que vous voulez voir s'afficher (barre d'échelle, vue générale, résultats d'une requête, légende) et des options spécifiques à l'export (format et résolution, orientation, titre, note).{/t} </p><br /> <div class="table_help"><img src="{r type=gfx/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Themes tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Edit tab{/t}</strong></div> <div> <p>{t}First, you have to log in since only authorised users have access to the edition options.{/t}</p> <p>{t}You can only edit one layer at a time. In the demo, there are three different editable layers, one for each type of geometry. Select the layer to edit in the dropdown menu.{/t}</p> <p class="help_h1">{t}Polygon{/t}</p> <p class="help_h2">{t}Selecting a Polygon{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}Click on the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_sel.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_sel{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the polygon to select.{/t}</li> </ul> <p>{t}You can also click-and-drag to select all polygons within an area.{/t}</p> <p>{t}Selected polygons attribute values will appear below the map.{/t}</p> <p>{t}You will probably notice the radio-button and the zoom-like icon on the right of the table.{/t}</p> <p>{t}If you have several polygons selected, the radio-button will allow you to activate a polygon so that you can edit its features on the map (move or delete the polygon, move, add or remove vertex). The selected polygon is hilighted in on the map.{/t}</p> <p>{t}You can even navigate while editing. For example, you can zoom in to edit more precisely.{/t}</p> <p class="help_h2">{t}Edit the information of an existing polygon{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}Select a polygon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Edit the values in the table.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the Validate button to save the new values.{/t}</li> </ul> <p class="help_h2">{t}Creating a New Polygon{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}Click on the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_polygon.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_polygon{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the map to draw each vertex of your polygon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}To close your polygon, double-click with the mouse left button, or click on the first vertex of the polygon.{/t}</li> </ul> <p>{t}To have two polygons totally side by side, check the Vertex Snapping checkbox (magnet icon). This is useful to prevent extra spacing between consecutive polygons.{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}First, select the existing polygon beside which you will create a new one, using the select tool.{/t}</li> <li>{t}When you start creating a new polygon next to an existing polygon, click on the first polygon vertex along the matching side, the new polygon vertex will be positionned exactly over the existing polygon vertex.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the Validate button to save the new polygone.{/t}</li> </ul> <p class="help_h2">{t}Deleting a Polygon{/t}</p> <p>{t}To delete a polygon, you need to have at least one selected polygon. See section "Selecting a polygon".{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}Once you have a selected polygone, click on the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_del_feature.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_del_feature{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Now click on the polygon you want to delete, to activate it. Click a second time to trigger the deletion.{/t}</li> <li>{t}A warning will be displayed to confirm the deletion. If you select "ok", you will notice that the polygon table entries have been struck.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the Validate button to delete the polygone and all related information from the database.{/t}</li> </ul> <p>{t}If you click on the Cancel button, all the modifications not validated are canceled.{/t}</p> <p class="help_h2">{t}Moving a Polygon{/t}</p> <p>{t}To move a polygon, you need to have at least one selected polygon. See section "Selecting a polygon".{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}Click on the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_move.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_move{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the polygon you want to move to activate it.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click and drag to the new position.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the Validate button to definitively set the polygon position.{/t}</li> </ul> <p class="help_h2">{t}Editing a Polygon Vertex{/t}</p> <p>{t}To edit a polygon vertex, you need to have at least one selected polygone. See section "Selecting a polygon".{/t}</p> <ul> <li>{t}Moving a Vertex{/t}</li> <ul> <li>{t}Select the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_move.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_move{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the polygone to activate it.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click and drag the vertex you want to move.{/t}</li> </ul> <li>{t}Adding a Vertex{/t}</li> <ul> <li>{t}Select the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_add_vertex.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_add_vertex{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the polygon to activate it.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click precisely over the spline (border) where you want to have the new vertex.{/t}</li> </ul> <li>{t}Deleting a Vertex{/t}</li> <ul> <li>{t}Select the {/t}<img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_del_vertex.gif{/r}" title="{t}edit_del_vertex{/t}" alt="" />{t} icon.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the polygon to activate it.{/t}</li> <li>{t}Click on the vertex to delete.{/t}</li> </ul> <li><strong>{t}Validate!{/t}</strong></li> </ul> <p>{t}You can combine the move, add and delete vertex actions before validating. Click on the Validate button to validate the polygon vertex modifications.{/t}</p> <p class="help_h2">{t}Cancel{/t}</p> <p>{t}If you need to cancel drawings or to get back to a classic navigation, click on the cancel button.{/t}</p> <p class="help_h2">{t}Lines and Points{/t}</p> <p>{t}Lines and Points editions are similar to polygon edition.{/t}</p> <p>{t}For more information, you can have a look to the {/t}<a href="" target="_blank">{t}Cartoweb documentation{/t}</a></p> </div> </div> <!-- end of floder 6 --> <!-- folder 6 starts here --> <div id="folder7" class="folder"> <fieldset> {$metier} </fieldset><br> <fieldset> {if $selection_result|default:''} {$selection_result} {/if} {if $query_result|default:''} {$query_result} {/if} </fieldset> </div> </div><!--container--> <div align="center"> {if $auth_active|default:''} {if $username|default:''}{t}Bienvenue{/t} {$username} - {/if} {$auth} {/if} {if $ajaxOn|default:''} <script type="text/javascript" src="{r type=js}custom.ajax.js{/r}"></script> {/if} </div> <!--leftbar--> <div> <a href="http://localhost/portail/france/index.html">retour au portail</a> </div> <!-- {if $tables_result} <div id="fen1" class="fenster" style="left: 494px; top: 54px; z-index: 150009; visibility: hidden;"> <div id="fenClBtn1" class="fenClBtn" title="Close the query result" style="left: 693px; top: 0px;" onClick="document.getElementById('fen1').setAttribute('style','left: 494px; top: 54px; z-index: 150009; visibility: hidden');setActiveToolButton('zoomin');"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}clBtn.png{/r}"/> </div> <div id="fenBar1" class="fenBar" title="" onmouseover="bouge=1;fen_desctrajet()" onmouseout="bouge=0;">Query results</div> <div id="fenContent" class="fenContent"> {$tables_result} </div> <div id="fenIframe" class="fenDetail" style="display: none;"> <iframe id="fenDetail" width="700" scrolling="auto" height="300" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> </div> {/if}</div--> <!-- {if $tables_result} <div id="fen1" class="fenster" style="left: 494px; top: 54px; z-index: 150009; visibility: hidden;"> <div id="fenClBtn1" class="fenClBtn" title="Close the query result" style="left: 693px; top: 0px;" onClick="document.getElementById('fen1').setAttribute('style','left: 494px; top: 54px; z-index: 150009; visibility: hidden');setActiveToolButton('zoomin');"> <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}clBtn.png{/r}"/> </div> <div id="fenBar1" class="fenBar" title="" onmouseover="bouge=1;fen_desctrajet()" onmouseout="bouge=0;">Query results</div> <div id="fenContent" class="fenContent"> {$tables_result} </div> <div id="fenIframe" class="fenDetail" style="display: none;"> <iframe id="fenDetail" width="700" scrolling="auto" height="300" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> </div> </div> {/if} --> <!-- header ends here --> </form> {if $toolpicker_active|default:''} {include file="toolPicker.tpl"} {/if} </div> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="piedpage"><div id="piedpageinter"><a id="mentions" href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=GeoBeeWorld">Contact</a> - Mentions légales - 2D3D.GIS LLC - By <b><a id="mentions" href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=GeoBeeWorld">Aymeric Viaud</a></b> & <b><a id="mentions" href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=GeoBeeWorld">Mathieu Girard</a></b></div> </div> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> shift('id1'); </script> <div id="fen1" class="fenster" style="left: 180px; top: 54px; z-index: 150009; visibility: hidden;" > <div id="fenClBtn1" class="fenClBtn" title="Fermer la fenêtre" style="left: 693px; top: 0px;" > <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}clBtn.png{/r}" onclick="javascript:CartoWeb.trigger('Query.Clear', 'clearQuery()');"> </div> <div id="fenBar1" class="fenBar" title="" onmouseover="bouge=1;fen_desctrajet()" onmouseout="bouge=0;">Résultats</div> <div id="fenContent" class="fenContent"> <div id="tables_result" style="align:center"> {if $tables_result} {$tables_result} {/if} </div> </div> </div> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> shift('id4');shift('id4-3');shift('id1'); if (bbox_test == 0) document.getElementById('tables_result').setAttribute('style','visibility: visible'); else document.getElementById('tables_result').setAttribute('style','left: 494px; top: 54px; z-index: 150009; visibility: visible'); </script> </body> </html>

3.1.2. plugins Authentification auth.tpl login_page.tpl Rechercher/Recentrer metier.tpl Export PDF form.tpl Géostat geostat.tpl geostat_choropleth_dataset.tpl geostat_choropleth_representation.tpl geostat_switch.tpl geostat_data_source.tpl Info_bulle layerResult.tpl Ordre des couches layerReorder.tpl

3.2. CSS

3.2.1. général cartoweb.css html, body { font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#333333; font-size:12px; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; height:100%; } div#piedpage { text-align:center; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; background-color:#336699; color:#fff; padding: 2px 0 2px 0; } div#piedpageinter { text-align:center; width: 100%; background-color:#FF5D00; color:#fff; padding: 2px 0 2px 0; } div#page { width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; min-height: 100%; position: relative; } a#mentions {color: white; font-weight:bold;} a#mentions:hover {color: black; font-weight:bold;} legend { font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#333333; font-size:12px; } a {color:black; text-decoration:none;} a:link, a:visited {color:#06c;} a:hover {color:#f00} img {border:0;} #topbanner { width:100%; height:100px; color:white; } #logo { background-color:white; width:255px; text-align:left; } #logo img { width:332px; height:52px; } #title { text-align:center; font-size: 18px; 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padding: 10px 0 20px 0; font-size: 18px; } #barre_outils { } #bann_float { position: relative; } #bann_float_fondu { position: relative; } #table_resultat { position: absolue; top: 10px; left: 10px; }