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#MeToo par Mind Map: #MeToo

1. Impact

1.1. Undoubtedly #MeToo has helped facilitate some discussion and reflection on sexual harrassment and assault, but what other impacts has the viral hashtag had?

1.1.1. International Less than 1/3rd of #MeToo tweets came from the US. Equivalent hashtags have appeared in other languages - #YoTambien, #QuellaVoltaChe, etc. #MeToo hashtag has spread to #YoTambien, أنا_كمان#, #QuellaVoltaChe

1.1.2. #MenToo #MenToo has emerged as a dual-purpose hashtag in response to #MeToo. #MenToo can be used for men to share their experiences with sexual harassment. #MenToo has also been used as as an inflammatory hot take, resulting in its own backlash.

1.1.3. Platform According to Meltwater, 97% of #MeToo posts originated on Twitter, with Instagram and Facebook contributing the rest. #MeToo receives over half-a-million mentions over one day

2. Background

2.1. On Oct 5, 2017, the New York Times released an article detailing allegations of sexual harassment and assault by powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein

2.1.1. Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades

2.2. Over the following days, more and more women came forward claiming he had assaulted or raped them.

2.2.1. These Are the Women Who Have Accused Harvey Weinstein of Sexual Harassment and Assault

2.3. On October 15, celebrity Alyssa Milano revived a 10 year old sexual assault campaign with a single tweet.

2.3.1. Alyssa Milano on Twitter

2.3.2. To date, the tweet has 68,000 comments, 25,000 retweets, and 52,000 likes.

2.3.3. The #MeToo movement didn't begin with Harvey Weinstein. And it won't end there

3. Virality

3.1. In the tweet's first 24 hours, the MeToo hashtag was used over 542,000 times, including 250,000 original tweets.

3.1.1. #MeToo receives over half-a-million mentions over one day

3.2. Tweets using the hashtag have reached over 1.6 billion people.