What kind of person do I want to be?

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What kind of person do I want to be? par Mind Map: What kind of person do I want to be?

1. Encouraging

1.1. Positive

1.1.1. Consider the best in others

1.2. Empathy

1.2.1. Try to think of what I experience from another's perspective

1.2.2. What would help me to continue doing things that are difficult? Can I provide that for others?

2. Courageous

2.1. Focused

2.2. Value

3. Willing to sacrifice for the greater good.

3.1. Honor

3.1.1. Focus on the future Selfishness Tyranny of the urgent; thinking only about right now. I need to be able to let go of my need to see "justice" carried out the way I think it should be done.

3.1.2. What is most important?

3.2. Perspective

3.2.1. About more than me

3.2.2. How can I impact others?

4. Selfless

4.1. Others

4.2. Beyond