Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors par Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. 1492

1.2. Found "Americas"

1.3. Got funds from Spain for voyage

1.4. Sailed on the Santa Maria

1.5. Was convinced he found Asia

1.6. Promised Spain spices in return

2. John Cabot

2.1. 1497 discovery of the coast of North America

2.2. helped laid groundwork for the later British claim to Canada

2.3. born in Italy, around the year 1450

2.4. made a British claim to land in Canada, mistaking it for Asia

2.5. "John Day letter" provides considerable information about Cabot's second voyage.

3. Ferdinand Magellan

3.1. Went out to find Pacific Ocean

3.2. explorer who organised Spanish expedition

3.3. entered the bay, Rio de Janeiro on December 13

3.4. decided not to turn back

3.5. Magellan dies when he reached the Philippines

4. Prince Henry

4.1. "The navigator"

4.2. When 21, captured the Moorish port

4.3. Got rich from 20% tax on voyages

4.4. Sponsered Portugal voyage

4.5. discovered Azores and Madeira islands

4.6. Encouraged exploration of Africa