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Age of Discovery par Mind Map: Age of Discovery

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. 1451-1506

1.2. In 1492 Columbus discovered land

1.3. Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer

1.4. first European explorer to discover the Americas

1.5. Completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean

2. Fredinand Magellan

2.1. 1480-1521

2.2. Portuguese explorer

2.3. Organized Spanish expedition to the East Indies in 1519

2.4. First European to cross the Pacific Ocean

2.5. Completed first circumnavigation of the Earth

3. Vasco da Gama

3.1. 1460-1524

3.2. Portuguese explorer

3.3. First European to reach India by sea

3.4. Commissioned by the Portuguese king to find a maritime route to the East

3.5. Later was appointed as Portuguese viceroy in India

4. Prince Henry

4.1. 1394-1460

4.2. Credited with beginning the Age of Discovery

4.3. Known as Henry the Navigator

4.4. Sponsored exploration along the west coast of Africa

4.5. Under his power Portuguese crews founded the country's first colonies

5. Marco Polo

5.1. 1254-1324

5.2. Venetian merchant, explorer, and writer

5.3. Believed to have journeyed across Asia

5.4. Became an adviser to the Empleror Khubilai Khan

5.5. Travels are recorded in Livres des merveilles du monde