Chemical Change

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Chemical Change par Mind Map: Chemical Change

1. Examples of Chemical Properties

1.1. Toxicity

1.1.1. How dangerous the substance can be.

1.2. Flammability

1.2.1. How easily it get set fire.

1.3. Coordination Number

1.3.1. Number of atoms that are bonded.

1.4. Chemical Stability

1.4.1. The chemical in its natural state

1.5. Combustibility

1.5.1. Combustibility is defined as the chemical property of materials to react with oxygen while emitting radiant energy. The combustibility of a material is a requirement for it to burn.

1.6. Enthalpy of formation

1.6.1. the heat released or absorbed during the formation of a pure substance

1.7. Solubility

1.7.1. Whether a solution can dissolve in a solvent

2. Key Idea

2.1. A Chemical Change is happens when an substance combines or breaks down. It is not easy to reverse, but can be reversed in some cases by another chemical change.


4. Sources

4.1. the definition of chemical property

4.2. Examples of Chemical Changes We Experience Every Day

4.3. What Are Examples of Chemical Properties?

4.4. What Is a Coordination Number in Chemistry?

4.5. Combustibility

5. Definition

5.1. a property or characteristic of a substance that is observed during a reaction in which the chemical composition or identity of the substance is changed