10 Reasons to Use Multimedia in the Classroom

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10 Reasons to Use Multimedia in the Classroom par Mind Map: 10 Reasons to Use Multimedia in the Classroom

1. 6. Helpful for students with hearing, fine motor challenges and keybording problems.

2. 7. Enable visualization of concepts and their connections through collaborative construction and discussion of concept maps.

3. 8-Encourage collaboration and feedback by integrating assignments with tools that support conversations and comments.

4. 9- Make learning situated and personal with easy to access information from you and the rest of the world.

5. 10- Helps students document and present their learning through authentic assessments.

6. capture attention, engage learners, explain difficult concepts, inspire creativity, and have fun

7. There are many tools available and many ways to use those tools.

8. video

9. 1..Facilitate and develop a community of learners through online ice-breaker activities

10. 2. Help students visualize difficult concepts or procedures more easily by using static or dynamic multimedia.

11. 3. Scaffold learning through activities enhanced by videos and online games

12. 4. Make language and culture come alive through the viewing and creation of audio and video instruction

13. 5. Provide a “menu” of authentic assignment options for students to complete, allowing them to explore and identify their passions and talents

13.1. Spanish

13.1.1. New vocabulary