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SWOT par Mind Map: SWOT

1. Strength

1.1. - PNU Food Court ensuring proper set-up and break down of the food court.

1.2. - Food court observe all the operations for preparing and selling food in PNU.

1.3. - PNU food court can deal with different kind of cash transactions also they have a friendly customer service.

1.4. - Fulfillment food preparation and standardization sanitation and safety.

2. Weakness

2.1. - Doesn’t include preparing food.

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4. Threats

4.1. - Working with external sources can be faced with avoidance of contract from the parties of IT and ASRAA.

5. Opportunities

5.1. - Building an online food court for orders.

5.2. - Simplifying the student's diet process.

5.3. - Student service in a short time .