Student Achievement

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Student Achievement par Mind Map: Student Achievement

1. Peers

1.1. Peers, or classmates, are no doubt another major factor in academic achievement. Peer pressure and self-consciousness can effect the students ability to perform well in school.

1.2. Peers are also part of the students support system.

2. Self

2.1. Teachers, parents, peers, and society can only go so far in assisting a student's academic achievement. But after all the factors play in, it comes down to the student, themselves.

2.2. Students are may not be the only factor in their achievement, but they are the most important. Whether or not you've had good or bad teachers or parents, it's up to the student, themselves, to decide if they're going to succeed academically.

3. Society

3.1. In society now, education is everything. It determines the jobs you get, where you live, and how people look at you. Some students may see that as an unbarring amount of pressure to achieve high.

4. Teachers

4.1. Students spend the majority of their time with their teachers in classrooms.

4.2. Teachers go through years of training to make sure these students get the education they need and deserve. Positive Impact.

4.3. Legally, the teachers are responsible for students 8 hours each day. During that time they teach, connect, and help students academically emotionally, and physically.y

5. Parents

5.1. Parents are with the child from birth, that can be a positive or negative thing.

5.2. If a student's parents have graduated or went to college plays a part in their achievement. Also, whether or not their parents are married can be effective to their academic achievement.

6. School

6.1. The type of school the student is enrolled in is a factor in their academic achievement because schools have different curriculum to be met and different standards on grading.

6.2. Whether that school is private or public effects student achievement because of the difficulty level and the resources that are made available to them.