Community of Inquiry

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Community of Inquiry par Mind Map: Community of Inquiry

1. Social Presence

1.1. 1. Introduce yourself as the teacher

1.2. 2. Use ice break activities to allow students to get to know each other.

1.3. 3.Establish netiquette guidelines at the start of the class for class collaboration activity sharing/commenting.

1.4. 4. Create learning experiences that allow for student collaboration like hangouts, or skype. Should be synchronous and asynchronous

1.5. 5. Use different collaboration and communication tools

2. Teaching Presence

2.1. 1. Add contact information

2.2. 2. Identify and clearly state course objectives and outcomes

2.3. 3.Include rubrics that align with outcomes

2.4. 4.Provide Feedback on assignments in a timely fashion

2.5. 5.Provide opportunities for reflection

3. Cognitive Presence

3.1. 1. Assignments should be aligned to course outcomes and objectives

3.2. 2. Use different types of resources to benefit all learners

3.3. 3. Frequent opportunities for reflection practices.

3.4. 4. Provide critical thinking activities

3.5. 5. Real world learning experiences that students can find relatable and engaging.