English 3

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English 3 par Mind Map: English 3

1. Active voice vs Passive voice

1.1. Mr. Ford makes cars - Cars are made by Mr. Ford

1.2. +The Iphone X is sold by Apple -Apple doesn't sell the Iphone X ?Does Apple sell the Iphone X

2. Used to, and might be, must, maybe

2.1. A: where's Natasha? i haven't seen her all day B: she might be in the music room, she may be practising for the concert tomorrow.

2.2. I'm not sure, but it will rain later on

3. Describing abilities and challenge

3.1. How deep is your love?: My love is pretty deep

4. Simple Present

4.1. He play soccer

5. My,Might and Could

5.1. We may/might go out tomorrow night (=perhaps we'll go out)

6. Conditionals

6.1. If you eat, you get fat