Historia del deporte en Colombia

Create a Competitive Analysis / SWOT to position your company in the market

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Historia del deporte en Colombia por Mind Map: Historia del deporte en Colombia

1. importantes logros en deportes individuales

1.1. What are the strengths of your company?

1.2. What do other companies see as your strengths?

2. ciclismo, patinaje, bicicross, motocross

2.1. Is there any outstanding debt or large loan?

2.2. What is your competition doing?

3. Deportistas con grandes esfuerzos y sacrificios

3.1. Areas you should avoid?

3.2. What are some weaknesses seen by other companies?

4. corridas de toros y la hípica

4.1. Interesting trends in your niche?

4.2. What are the best opportunities?

5. boxeo, béisbol, fútbol