Kyle Smith-Mankowitz Life

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Kyle Smith-Mankowitz Life por Mind Map: Kyle Smith-Mankowitz Life

1. sports

1.1. baseball

1.2. basketball

1.3. lax

1.4. street hockey

1.5. football

1.6. soccer

2. hobbies

2.1. computers

2.2. cars

2.3. music

2.4. video games

2.5. soprts

3. my plans

3.1. going to college

3.2. be an computer specialist

3.3. play football

3.4. get married

3.5. have a familly

3.6. make money

3.7. own my own business

4. education

4.1. Jefferson Elementry

4.2. Kennedy Elementry

4.3. Lincoln Roosenvelt Grade School

4.4. Mount Olive Middle School

4.5. Mount Olive High School.

4.6. County College of Morris

5. my work history

5.1. Wendys

5.2. Target

6. Professor Murphy

6.1. CMP127

6.2. 9-14-08