Metacognitive Strategies

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Metacognitive Strategies por Mind Map: Metacognitive Strategies

1. Chapter 4

1.1. Strategy, Difference, Progress

1.2. VARK Styles

1.2.1. Aural

1.2.2. Read/Write

1.2.3. Kinesthetic

1.2.4. Visual

1.3. Multiple Intelligences

1.3.1. Verbal/Linguistic

1.3.2. Logical/Mathematical

1.3.3. Visual/Spacial

1.3.4. Bodily/Kinesthetic

1.3.5. Musical/Rhythmic

1.3.6. Interpersonal

1.3.7. Intrapersonal

1.3.8. Naturalistic

1.4. Kolb Styles

1.4.1. Concrete experience

1.4.2. Reflective observation

1.4.3. Abstract conceptualization

1.4.4. Active experimentation

2. Chapter 5

2.1. Choices, Questions, Evidence

2.2. Problem Solving

2.2.1. Decide how to allocate time when two things are due

2.2.2. Find out how to incorporate time for excersise to stay healthy

2.2.3. Decide whether to stay at campus or go home

2.3. Recognizing Faulty Reasoning

2.3.1. Arguing against someone is okay

2.3.2. Bandwagons can cloud judgement

2.3.3. Hasty generalizations

3. Chapter 6

3.1. Review, Concentration, Differences

3.2. Preview

3.2.1. Read chapter title

3.2.2. Read chapter summary

3.2.3. Look at headings, key terms, tables, etc.

3.3. Reading with Concentration

3.3.1. Read in a quiet place

3.3.2. Turn electronics off

3.3.3. Take short breaks

3.3.4. Engage in physical activity

3.3.5. Engage with the material

4. Chapter 7

4.1. Preparation, Notes, Practice

4.2. Listen with an Open Mind

4.2.1. Be ready for the message

4.2.2. Listen for new ideas

4.2.3. Mentally repeat the information

4.3. Techniques for Notes

4.3.1. Identify the main ideas

4.3.2. Separate each course's notes

4.3.3. Label and place handouts near your notes

5. Chapter 8

5.1. Memory, Review, Collaborate

5.2. Improving Memory

5.2.1. Review sheets are helpful

5.2.2. Mind maps

5.2.3. Flash cards

5.3. Mnemonics

5.3.1. Acronyms

5.3.2. Acrostics

5.3.3. Rhymes/Songs

5.3.4. Visualization

6. Chapter 1

6.1. Determination, Resolve, Goal

6.2. Goal Setting

6.2.1. Identify personal strengths

6.2.2. Tough questions

6.2.3. Establish goals for today, this week, and beyond

6.3. SMART Goals

6.3.1. Specific

6.3.2. Measurable

6.3.3. Attainable

6.3.4. Relevant

6.3.5. Time Frame

7. Chapter 2

7.1. Organization, Overcome, Balance, Focus

7.2. Time-Management Tools

7.2.1. Realistic goals

7.2.2. Avoid multitasking

7.2.3. Schedule breaks

7.3. Procrastination

7.3.1. Remind yourself of the consequences

7.3.2. Make to-do lists

7.3.3. Say no to friends and family that want your attention

7.3.4. Turn off electronics

8. Chapter 3

8.1. Resilience, Balance, Adapt

8.2. Develop Emotional Inteligence

8.2.1. Intrapersonal Skills

8.2.2. Interpersonal Skills

8.2.3. Adaptability

8.2.4. Overall Mood

8.3. Emotional Influence

8.3.1. Motivation

8.3.2. Resilience

8.3.3. Persistence

8.3.4. Delaying gratification

9. Chapter 9

9.1. Preparation, Study, Understand

9.2. Physically Prepare

9.2.1. Have a regular sleep pattern

9.2.2. Have a regular exercise routine

9.2.3. Ear right

9.3. Test Tips

9.3.1. Write your name on your test

9.3.2. Stay calm/Review whole the whole test

9.3.3. Use your time wisely

9.3.4. Answer easy questions first

9.3.5. Stop if you start to panic

9.3.6. Answer every question

9.3.7. Don't leave immediately if you finish early

10. Chapter 10

10.1. Communication, Research, Acceptance

10.2. Learning to be information literate

10.2.1. Know how to find needed information

10.2.2. Learn to interpret information

10.2.3. Have a purpose

10.3. Steps to Good Writing

10.3.1. Use prewriting to discover what you want to say

10.3.2. Draft your work

10.3.3. Revise your work

11. Chapter 11

11.1. Diversity, Understanding, Acceptance

11.2. Differences in College

11.2.1. Age

11.2.2. Gender

11.2.3. Religion

11.2.4. Economic Status

11.2.5. Learning and physical challenges

11.2.6. Sexuality

11.3. Student-Run organizations

11.3.1. Career/Major groups

11.3.2. Political/Activist organizations

11.3.3. Special-Interest groups

11.3.4. Intramural sports

12. Chapter 12

12.1. Advantage, Budget, Conrol

12.2. Cutting Costs

12.2.1. Recognize needs and wants

12.2.2. Share expences

12.2.3. Use low-cost transportation

12.2.4. Avoid unnecessary fees

12.3. Planning for the Furure

12.3.1. Know your next step

12.3.2. Keep your address current with the registrar

12.3.3. Make a savings account