Invention / Make it

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Invention / Make it por Mind Map: Invention / Make it

1. Reinvent your patrol Team challenges (Harrison)

1.1. Communication

1.1.1. Radios and lego

1.2. Ways of working

2. Reinvent yourself (Miller) Troop Night early on

2.1. Mirror of you

2.1.1. Improve based on personal target

2.2. Values - resolution

2.3. Lifestyle, diet, health

2.3.1. LAF team

2.3.2. Smoothies

2.3.3. Sainsburys

2.3.4. Healthy versions of fav foods

2.4. Pledges

3. Raspberry Pi - control & monitoring

3.1. Scratch & programming

4. Maker camp

4.1. Scout cars/go-carts

4.2. Redbull soapbox challenge / scrapheap

5. Futuristic inventions (Andrew / John)

5.1. House of objects

5.2. Dragon's Den

5.3. Design an invention / build a prototype / Dragon's Den it.

6. Visits

6.1. Cragside (Saturday or half term)

6.2. Tanfield Railway

6.3. Maker Faire

6.4. Bowes Railway

6.5. Nissan

7. Invent a challenge

7.1. Ice Cream

7.2. Crisps (Kate)

7.2.1. Flavours

7.3. New food

7.4. Food

7.5. Build a Snatch Treasure Hunt - on a theme (Carl)

7.5.1. Patrols make aspects of the theme

8. The Word South Shields

9. Apple Store (Jack / Carl)

10. Historical inventions

10.1. Payphones

10.2. Retro gaming (Mick Handy / Andrew)

10.3. Gizmos @ beamish

10.4. Discovery museum

10.5. Stephenson Railway Museum

10.6. Shildon Wagon Museum

11. Youth Shape / Engagement

11.1. Base during Reinvent yourself night

11.2. Google survey email/text

12. Young leader engagement

13. Maker space

13.1. Fablab Sunderland (JC)

14. Local inventors

15. Simulation / In Tray Exercise

15.1. Future world

16. Parents' Night

16.1. Make-it night

16.2. Scrapheap challenge

16.3. Bring an invention from home

16.4. Domino / marble race