Life Origin Theories

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Life Origin Theories por Mind Map: Life Origin Theories

1. Deep-Sea Vents

1.1. Mineral rich water

1.2. Chemosynthesis based ecosystems

1.3. Chemoautrophic bacteria

1.4. By Ghan Reeves, Jeff Seewald, and Jill McDermott

2. RNA World

2.1. Self replicating RNA

2.2. The RNA world

2.3. The transitional period

2.4. The present world

3. Panspermia

3.1. Life came from outer space

3.2. Aminoacid are important in this case

3.3. deflection of interstellar dust

3.4. extremophile microorganisms traveling through space

4. Creationism

4.1. God created the world

4.2. Based on the bible

5. Primordial Soup

5.1. 1924 by Alexander Oparin and John Burson Scientist

5.2. Chemical evolution of particles that contain carbon

6. Miller Urey experiment

6.1. 1952 by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey(University of Chicago)

6.2. Atmosphere was altered by theproduction of oxygen(photosynthetic organisms)

6.3. Produced 20 different aminoacids

7. endosymbiosis

7.1. The mitochondria and the chloroplats are importanat

7.2. Single cell algae

7.3. Chlorella

8. Spontaneous Generation

8.1. By Francisco Red

8.2. Things don't came from nothing

8.3. Microorganisms are responsible of what exists

8.4. Proves by Louis Pasteur and John Tyndall