For practicing : Emily's Secret

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For practicing : Emily's Secret por Mind Map: For practicing : Emily's Secret

1. 1.

2. 3.

3. J

4. Group ( 2 ) Where did it happen?

4.1. 2.

4.2. 3.

5. Group ( 4 ) Why did it happen?

5.1. 1. She cannot read and write the books.

5.2. 2.

5.3. 3.

6. Group ( 3 ) When did the story happen?

6.1. It happened when she was 8 years old.

6.2. 2.

6.3. 3.

7. Group ( 7 ) Which

7.1. 1.

7.2. 2.

7.3. 3.

8. Group ( 6 ) Whose

8.1. 1.

8.2. 2.

9. Hi

10. Group ( 1 ) What happened?

10.1. 1.

10.2. 2.

10.3. 3.

11. Group ( 5 ) Who was in the story?

11.1. 1. Emily

11.2. 2.

11.3. 3.