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NCS por Mind Map: NCS

1. Scholarship/Fellowship Programs

1.1. Fulbright

1.2. Gilman

1.3. Udall

1.4. And More!

2. NCS Advisory Board

3. Scholar Review Committees

4. Academic Affairs

4.1. OIED

4.2. Enrollment Management

4.3. Undergraduate Colleges

4.4. Graduate Studies

4.5. Advisers

4.6. APortfolio

4.7. Faculty/Staff - NCS Recipient Alumni

4.8. College Award Recipients

5. Student Scholars Programs

5.1. Wilson

5.2. Chancellors

5.3. Plemmons

5.4. Diversity

5.5. Access

6. Academic Courses and Communities

6.1. Writing Across the Curriculum

6.2. First Year Seminar

6.3. App Lab

6.4. Watauga

6.5. Honors

6.6. Holland Fellows

6.7. Entrepreneurship

7. National Association of Fellowship Advisers (NAFA)

8. Faculty Mentors

9. Student Affairs

9.1. Service Learning

9.2. Office of Student Engagement and Leadership

9.3. Multicultural Student Development

9.4. Orientation

9.5. Career Development

9.6. Writing Center

10. Student Groups

10.1. Alumni Association

10.2. Honors Fraternities and Sororities

10.3. Ambassadors

10.4. SOULS

10.5. Former Gilman Recipients