"1-800-273-8255" by Logic

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"1-800-273-8255" by Logic por Mind Map: "1-800-273-8255" by Logic

1. Suicide & Mental Health Awareness

2. Lyrics

2.1. The song takes a narrative format that humanizes someone experiencing suicidal thoughts

3. Music Video

3.1. The music video takes on a few different narratives. It mainly presets the perspective of a gay black male who has an interracial partner.

4. The fear/demonization of mental health in current society

5. Representation of Blackness and Mental Health Awareness

6. "I wanted to tell the stories of other people who may not have the voice I do"

7. Logic's Ethos

7.1. Bi-racialism

8. Single Artwork

8.1. The artwork is simply the phone number for the suicide hotline printed 7 times. This makes is accessibly for someone who may need to talk to a certified counselor.