what is the connection between violent video games and antisocial behavior

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what is the connection between violent video games and antisocial behavior por Mind Map: what is the connection between violent video games and antisocial behavior

1. because most people that play are little kids

2. because people know how to control themselves

3. the article violent video games states that,"Nonetheless, some researchers loosely claim that the goal of certain games is to "kill" opponents. But there is no literal killing and it is a massive leap of logic to suggest that."

3.1. this lets people know just because its in a game dosen't mean it will come to our world

4. this is important because they cant be training all day so the games helpthem

4.1. this shows that the game isnt harmful

5. Video gaming culture should not, cannot, be reduced to young men screaming profanities as they play "Grand Theft Auto V" on their dedicated consoles.

5.1. Author, a professor of .... at ...University claims that "in war games, to be surprised by every act of violence will get you killed. We inhibit these typically empathetic behaviors because, frankly, we have to" (Authorlastname).

5.1.1. Author, a professor of .... at ...University claims that "in war games, to be surprised by every act of violence will get you killed. We inhibit these typically empathetic behaviors because, frankly, we have to" (Authorlastname).

5.2. gg

6. research shows that in 1999 and 2000, much attention has been paid in Congress and the media to claims that the military's use of video games hepls them with missions

7. Media-driven panics about what video games are "doing to our children" are scoffed at by gamers and most technology journalists. But are these haughty dismissals justified? Because studies are now coming thick and fast that find the minds of young people playing video games are affected by what they play. And not always for the best.

8. violent video games do not promote antisocial behavior

9. So far, so good. We already know that violent video games make violent people. They also apparently tend to push people into more "dangerous lifestyles": Drugs, wild sex. Not the typical image of your average gamer, granted. But the question is why and how these things happen. A relationship between video games and real-life violence is not damning evidence in itself.

10. because all people do all day is kill on the game so it can brain wash them

11. vv

12. this is important because everyone should be asking them selves this question

13. this matters because some kids may see killing in the game and see that its ok and bring it into the real world

14. this is important because kids should know just because its ok in the games dosen't mean its ok in the real world

15. The Australian study updated a 1995 study conducted by Kevin Durkin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Western Australia. In that study, which reviewed all literature on the effects of video games on users, Durkin concluded, "Overall, evidence is limited, but so far does not lend strong support to the claims that computer games play promotes aggressive behavior."

16. dr.jeffrey goldstien states Yet, in video games, there is neither intent to injure nor a living victim. Nonetheless, some researchers loosely claim that the goal of certain games is to "kill" opponents. But there is no literal killing and it is a massive leap of logic to suggest that vaporizing an animated character leads to or causes real world killing.

17. In the game Knights of the Old Republic, a classic Star Wars spin-off, gamers can select whether to act like the "good" Jedi or the "evil" Sith. Sitting at your console, it might be hard to believe that what you do next might actually impact who you become in the real world. But it turns out the Dark Side is very real.

18. But video games differ from these media crucially because we're not just being asked to listen and take part passively. Even as storytellers, we are playing the part of a narrator, not a performer. In video games we—everyone—is an actor. And we have to follow the script we're given.

19. Media-driven panics about what video games are "doing to our children" are scoffed at by gamers and most technology journalists. But are these haughty dismissals justified? Because studies are now coming thick and fast that find the minds of young people playing video games are affected by what they play. And not always for the best.

20. because video games make it seem like it's ok

21. violent video games do promote antisocial behavior