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Physics por Mind Map: Physics

1. Project

1.1. Geothermal

1.2. Wind

1.3. Solar

2. Electricity

2.1. Circuits

2.1.1. Parallel

2.1.2. Series

2.1.3. Resistors

2.1.4. Current

2.1.5. Voltage

3. Electrostatics

3.1. Opposites attract

3.2. Similar repels

3.3. Charged objects attract some neutral objects

3.4. Charge objects

3.4.1. Induction Metal leaf

3.4.2. Contact Pithball Metal leaf

3.4.3. Friction pthball

4. Electric fields

4.1. Coulomb's law

4.2. Static electricity

5. Waves

5.1. Transverse

5.1.1. objects vibrates perpendicular to its axis

5.2. Longitudanal

5.2.1. Object vibrates parallel to its axis

5.3. Torsional

5.3.1. Object vibrates about its axis

5.4. speed of wave formula

5.4.1. Equal to wavelengths times frequency

6. energies

6.1. Gravitational

6.2. Kinetic

6.3. Sound

6.4. nuclear

6.5. Electrical

6.6. Thermal

6.7. Radiant

6.8. elastic

6.9. chemical

6.10. Work done

6.11. Power

6.12. Conservation