What the Companies on the Right Side of the Digital Business Divide Have in Common

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What the Companies on the Right Side of the Digital Business Divide Have in Common por Mind Map: What the Companies on  the Right Side of the  Digital Business Divide  Have in Common

1. Guidelines

1.1. Set a Time Limit

2. What Digital Leaders Do Differently

2.1. Se aproximam da oportunidade digital de forma diferente, com uma estratégia diferente.

2.2. Executam a oportunidade digital com um modelo operacional diferente.

2.3. Data and Analytics are key

2.4. Rethink Modelo de Negócios (business Model) e Modelo de Operação (Operating Model)

2.4.1. Business Model define como uma organização cria e captura valor.

2.4.2. Operating Model define como a organização entrega o valor prometido no Business Model

2.4.3. Em conjunto, o modelo de negócio e o modelo operacional definem e ranqueiam o range de opções disponíveis para que os gerentes de operações tomem decisões de negócios

2.5. (A company doesn’t have to be born digital to become a digital leader.)

2.6. Allstate is using automotive telematics to track driving patterns, therefore uses this data to understand customers and to price accordingly

2.7. Ecolab’s business is taking advantage of data it collects from its equipment to ensure greater uptime and performance, deliver enhanced customer service, and help customers achieve key business outcomes.

2.7.1. Ecolab’s data platform has been designed to generate operational insights from the rich data generated by the company’s equipment and a profusion of networked sensors

2.7.2. Data can be aggregated to benchmark a customer’s operations, suggest performance improvements, and help the customer capture greater value through energy and water savings, increased product performanc

3. Four Operating Pillars

3.1. Digital leaders have achieved morerobust capabilities across all four operating model pillars

3.1.1. Customer Interaction and Relationship Management Serviço personalizado - Adaptado Digital leaders are 2.5x more likely than digital laggards to harness real-time data and analytics to deliver tailored customer experiences 2.5x more likely to use analytics to develop perceptual intelligence about customers Rotatividade de Clientes And 2.6x more likely to use analytics to prescribe business actions to limit customer churn

3.1.2. Manufacturing, Product, and Service Delivery Digital leaders are 1.5x more likely to optimize production runs based on demand forecast 1.7x more likely to be able to predict equipment downtime using advanced analytics And 2.3x more likely to use predictive modeling to anticipate customer support requests

3.1.3. Product Creation and Delivery Digital leaders are 2.3x more likely to inform product design by capturing data on how their products are used 1.8x more likely to monitor products remotely and drive customer support based on data insights And 1.9x more likely to use data to benchmark customers and advise them on how to realize greater value

3.1.4. Human Capital Management and Employee Productivity Digital leaders are 2.6x more likely to collect data on employee performance and generate recommendations for development 1.4x more likely to empower employees with access to self-service business intelligence and data visualization tools And 1.7x more likely to allow employees to define and receive real-time alerts to more effectively manage changes to the business

4. The research

4.1. Focused on 344 enterprises from US with ~ revenue of $3.4 billion

5. Digital Leaders vs. Digital laggards (that lagged behind)

5.1. Creating "digital divide" across companies

5.2. Impacto: 3-year average gross margin 3-year average operating margin 3- year average profit margin

5.3. Os budgets de TI dos líderes e dos atrasados são bem parecidos (3.5 e 3.2% do revenue). Então a transformação digital traz uma verdadeira vantagem para os líderes, e não é apenas uma questão de gastar dinheiro com inovação digital

6. There are no blank sheets of paper

6.1. Transformação digital não é construir do zero, e sim reconstruir a corporação em volta de princípios de operação digitais.

6.2. Para fazer uma boa transformação digital, as empresas estão desenvolvendo

6.2.1. data-centric mindset

6.2.2. network-centric mindset