The Vietnam War: Tet Offensive 1968

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The Vietnam War: Tet Offensive 1968 por Mind Map: The Vietnam War: Tet Offensive 1968

1. Impact

1.1. Americans questioned involvement in the War

1.2. Anti-War protests

1.3. Bombing of North Vietnam halted

1.4. Showed that Hanoi was more capable than realized at launching warfare

2. Opposing Forces

2.1. United States, South Vietnam and other various Asian nations.

2.2. Vietcong and North Vietnam

3. Timeline

3.1. January 21st 1968

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. Khe Sanh

3.2.1. North Vietnamese Army Attacks

3.2.2. Vietcong

3.2.3. Marines are attacked at their base

3.3. January 30th 1968

3.3.1. Over a 100 towns and cities are attacked

3.3.2. US Embassy in Saigon was occupied by the Communist forces

3.3.3. Took two weeks to retake Saigon

3.4. Aftermath

3.4.1. Escalation of the Vietnam War stopped

3.4.2. US Won the Tet Offensive and communist forces didn't occupy any territory of South Vietnam

3.4.3. Made the US realize that they were facing a much stronger force

4. Battles fought


4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personnel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. Battle of Hue City

4.3. Battle of Saigon

5. Background

5.1. United States and North Vietnam

5.2. Offensive

5.3. Aftermath