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Calidad por Mind Map: Calidad

1. Internet and its risks- there are also dangers, we are affected by hackers and possible Trojan viruses.etc

2. pyshing- set of techniques that seek to deceive a victim gaining their trust

3. 1989-A fifteen year old hacker cracked the US Defence Computer.

4. NETWORK SECURITY Private networks can be attacked by intruders trying to obtain confidential information.

5. Malware (malicious software) are different programs made to harm your computer files.

5.1. Spyware collect information from your PC without your consent.

5.2. A Trojan horse masquerades as a useful program, but it can affect the security of your data and can be accessed by someone else.

5.3. A worn is a self-copying program that spreads through email attachment it replicates itself and sends a copy to everyone in an address book.

6. 1971 John Draper discovered that a whistle featured on boxes of breakfast cereal could lead to 2,600 Hz signal usage by the phone company AT&T

7. Ques es calidad?

7.1. calidad,esunacualidadquedebetenercualquierproductooserviciopermitiendoasítenerunmayorrendimientoensufuncionamientoydurabilidad,lográndoseatravésdelcumpliendodenormasyreglasnecesariasparasatisfacerlasnecesidadesdelcliente.

8. 1987-The IBM international Network was paralysed by a Hacker’s Christmas Message.

9. PIRACY: Illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted software, games or music.

10. The most common methods of protection are passwords, Firewalls, Encryption and Decryption systems

11. Pretty Good Privacy is a system designed to send emails privately.

12. 1988The Union Bank of Switzerland almost lost £ 32 million to Hackers. Nicholas Whitely was arrested in connection with virus spreading.