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Bilingualism por Mind Map: Bilingualism

1. Definition

1.1. Bilingualism is the ability of an individual or the members of a community to use two languages effectively.

2. Bilingualism is important in the development or learning of a language.

3. Some babies grow up in homes where native speakers speak two languages at the same time.

4. They are different from babies who heard only one language, but according to the information the only thing these babies have in common is that they make some similar sounds in both languages.

4.1. Some of these sounds are specific to English, some are specific to Spanish and some are common to both languages. All babies in these studies were exactly 11 months old

5. Benefits

5.1. Prevents dementia

5.1.1. Bilingual adults with Alzheimer's disease take twice as long to develop symptoms as their monolingual counterparts.

5.2. Enhanced memory

5.2.1. Learning a foreign language involves memorizing rules and vocabulary. This mental exercise improves overall memory.

5.3. prevents Alzheimer’s

5.3.1. Learning a second language can protect against Alzheimer’s as well.

6. The human brain is fully capable of achieving native fluency in two languages.