Identity Theft Tutorial

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Identity Theft Tutorial por Mind Map: Identity Theft Tutorial

1. Tutorial Structure

1.1. Introduction

1.2. What are the Five Kinds of ID Theft?

1.3. What Does ID Theft Look Like?

1.4. How to Prevent ID Theft.

1.5. What To Do If You Are a Victim.

1.6. Conclusion/Further Information.

2. Proposed Solution

2.1. In-class Training/Introduction

2.2. Online Tutorial/Training Module

2.3. Individual Follow-up

3. References/Links

4. Needs Analysis

4.1. Awareness

4.2. General Problem Knowledge

4.3. Specific Knowledge

4.4. Preventive Actions

5. Introduction

5.1. ID Theft Facts

5.2. Our ID Theft Plan

6. Data