Michelle's Biography

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Michelle's Biography por Mind Map: Michelle's Biography

1. Living in Boca

1.1. Living near my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins

1.2. Attending kindergarten at Sandpiper Shores

1.3. Sharing a house with my parents, brother, and cat

2. Moving to Oviedo

2.1. Leaving behind my family and friends

2.2. Getting acquainted to a new town

2.3. Starting a new school at Partin Elementary

2.4. Having to make new friends

2.5. Learning a new curriculum

2.6. Losing my grandmother and cat within the first year of the move

3. Education

3.1. Going from specialized classes in elementary to honors classes in highschool

3.2. Winning numerous awards for being a top student

3.3. Getting accepted into UCF during the summer of 2016