The world in a 100 years from now?

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The world in a 100 years from now? por Mind Map: The world in a 100 years from now?

1. Flying cars?

2. Robot - good

2.1. Robots that can vacuum, are already invent

3. Robot - bad

4. Purpose of the cellphone

5. selfclear dishwasher

5.1. when the kitchenware is clean, come it automatic in to the drawer and the cabinet.

6. Self movinging busses

6.1. like self moving train, but on road.

6.2. I think that is can be dangerous.

7. contact lens mobil

7.1. It's smart because, you have it all times on you.

7.2. It's a contact lens, but when it's turn on you can see a mobil and you can touch it with you finger.

7.3. You turn it on by touch the lens with you finger.

8. selfclear dustbin