The World in a 100 years from now?

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The World in a 100 years from now? por Mind Map: The World in a 100 years from now?

1. Flying cars?

1.1. Well I think flying cars won’t be a thing. Cars are fine as they are right now and it’s probably much harder to control a flying one. And I think technology is not that far yet even in 2118.

1.2. But if flying cars were real I think the world will rotten much faster, but to the upgrades. I think the flying cars will be shaped like a jet or like a weird Lamborghini. The wings will be much bigger and so the motors than the picture. But just like every other car I think there will be many more designs.

2. Robot - good

2.1. We actually already have 'good' robots but they're not something big. The small vacuum cleaners that drives by it self and the self driving lawn mover. People probably don't think that a dishwasher is a robot. A robot doesn't necessarily need to shaped like a human but in some way a dishwasher is a robot.

2.2. Now day robots just build things maybe in the furture robots will do jobs that nobody likes.(It's different from person to person what a bad job is).

3. Robot - bad

3.1. First, Sophia (A robot who can speak and act like a human) said robots would take over the world in 2029. But I don’t know think robots will turn ‘evil’ and take over the world. Yeah, we may use them much more to do mundane stuff like cleaning, building and much more. But I don’t think people will design robots with titanium, laser eyes and so on.

3.2. If we make fighting/evil robots I think they will made with strong iron and have artificial intelligence. Probably in the far furture robots and human will become one and make a cyborg like creature.

4. Purpose of the cellphone

4.1. If I have to be honest I don't think cellphones will change that much. They are already very modern (My opinion). Maybe in the furture they will have a 'hologram mode'.

4.2. If we lose net neutrality people will probably spend less time on their phone. My generation already spend so much time on their phone so I'm actually worried for the next generations.

4.3. Letters probably won't be a thing in the furture.