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Sensatiolnalism por Mind Map: Sensatiolnalism

1. The money making theory believers think that what counts in making a profit is a large audience. Print media use attracting adds that appeal to the niche. audiences. Such as skiing, interior decoration, cooking, computers, gardening, and even wrestling. They believe adverse revanue is fundamental in making a profit, and that large audiences within a specific market is a good thing. Lastly, the bigger the media outlet, the larger the audiences which equals a larger profit.

2. The grass roots theory is that the general public loves a good, exciting story. Fact checking is secondary. They tend to go with their emotions when it comes to the stories the media puts out instead of using their heads and common sense. If you identify more with this theory, you may look to the tabloids for the latest drama. One annalysis shows that this the trump presidency has given birth to a whole new wave of the grass theory.

3. The Ruling Elite uses sensationalism when they argue, divert attention away from fundamental, and structural problems in society. Such as; racism, inequality, and poverty. Their solution would require the elite society's power and resources. The media also feed the public with sensationalistic stories of celebrity stalkers, road rage, crack whores, and child molestors. Media radical critics argue, this method serves the function of maintaining social control, and preventing the masses from demaning significant, meaningful and social change. Johm Stewart talks about this is one of his clips. An example of the news medias divering attention:

4. Professional Subculture theory is that journalists believe they have an obligation to persinalize dramatic and individualize the news. They may use one or two different view points to display a back and fourth of opinions. This creates an audience who can identify with one if their opinions and validate their own points and agendas. The norm if factual accuracy will dampen the sensationalism. The higher the presige of the news outlet, will permit sensationalism, but less prestigious news outlet will take it and run wild with it.