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Assessments por Mind Map: Assessments

1. Performance

1.1. A type of assessment in which students show their ability to perform a task.

1.1.1. Portfolio Writer's Notebook

2. Diagnostic

2.1. The assessment of student's strengths and weaknesses before beginning instruction.

2.1.1. Pre-Tests KWL Chart

3. Formative

3.1. Assessment that occurs within a unit of instruction in order to monitor and adjust instruction based on student need.

3.1.1. Exit Ticket Quick Write Summary

4. Interim/Benchmark

4.1. Assessment that occurs at periodic intervals, such as the end of the grading period, in order to predict future performance and assess current levels of performance.

4.1.1. Six Weeks Tests Monthly Reading Assessments

5. Summative

5.1. Assessment give at the end of an instructional unit that evaluates student learning.

5.1.1. STAAR Tests District Tests

6. HOT Questions

6.1. Opening Questions

6.1.1. Where is the White House?

6.1.2. Who was the first President?

6.2. Guiding Questions

6.2.1. Give me an example of an American Symbol.

6.2.2. Describe in your own words what liberty means.

6.3. Closing Questions

6.3.1. Predict what will happen to American symbols like the eagle as time goes on.

6.3.2. What would it be like if you had to create an American symbol?