Web Design Principles and Elements

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Web Design Principles and Elements por Mind Map: Web Design Principles and Elements

1. Typefaces

1.1. Is an essential factors in Web site design because this is considered the most dominant and noticeable in terms of visual

2. Communication

2.1. The information or text or a Web site should be concise and direct to the point

3. Purpose

3.1. Web site can be categorized into different types and functions depending on the purpose they serve the user or audience

4. Color

4.1. Enhance the experience of visitors of the Web site . The appropriate combination of the foreground colors

5. Images

5.1. Image alone placed on the Web site can deliver a complete message that the web site wishes to communicate to the audience

6. Navigation

6.1. Refers to the facility that the audience can use to go through the web site and its subpages.

7. Layout

7.1. Refers to the physical arrangement of the content and element on a Web site

8. Load Time

8.1. Another basis for the success of a web site is the time that the web site will load or appear on the viewer display device.