Gosford Mediatheque

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Gosford Mediatheque por Mind Map: Gosford Mediatheque

1. Safety and Comfort

1.1. An inviting space designed with the controls of easy access, thermal conditioning and safety precautions innovated into the design; utilising natural light and ventilation where possible to minimise economic and environmental impact.

2. Collection

2.1. Vast collections of knowledge from all forms of media including music, literature, film, art and online files and documents to choose from; all easily located throughout the comprehensive amphitheatre-esque design of the Mediatheque.

3. Comprehensive and Considerate Design

3.1. Separate areas to allow for social and private interactions including meetings for any potential business congregations and separate areas for both children and elderly.

3.2. Easily traversed and 100% wheelchair accessible design; capable of holding large crowds of individuals in the main lobby, theatres, meeting rooms and social areas such as the cafe and elderly designated zones.

3.3. Aesthetic pleasing; non-intrusive design targeting the audience of the General public of Gosford; taking into consideration the community's needs and desires for a large scale civic building located in the town centre.

4. Community

4.1. A place for meetings; communications and the exchanging of ideas and knowledge.

4.2. An environment that encourages users of all backgrounds and diverse walks of life to use the mediatheque comfortably.

4.3. Easily accessible; welcoming and all inclusive to provide an approachable environment for learning.

4.4. Internalised Cafe's and other food stalls to provide refreshments and food to users in a convenient and social environment.

5. Media and Entertainment

5.1. Ampitheatre-esque performance platforms and rooms seating up to 115 people allow for social interactions of any scale and design such as large scale thatrical performances or more formal congreagations such as speeches.

5.2. Theatres and meeting rooms designed having access to all the mediatheques extensive library with projectors, slides shows and other technology available for any necessary presentation requirements.

5.3. Providing Gosford city with a performance outlet space; designed to accommodate large numbers located in the town centre.