FCN Chapter 14

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FCN Chapter 14 por Mind Map: FCN Chapter 14

1. Education

1.1. N/I: pregnancy, birthing, and breast feeding classes are important for preparation and to decrease stress and fear

2. Pain Management

2.1. N/I: educate about expected pain, what causes it, and breathing exercises and other non-pharmacological interventions for pain

2.2. woman experiences less pain if abdomen is relaxed, b/c uterus can rise freely

2.3. Non-pharmacological Interventions

2.3.1. Distraction techniques can alter how pain is perceived

2.3.2. repositioning and putting pressure on lower back can stimulate other receptors to take away from labor pain

2.3.3. birthing ball or peanut helps with movement for distraction

2.3.4. pelvic rocking for 15 minutes a day helps with lower back pain

2.3.5. Taylor sitting for 15 minutes a day during pregnancy to stretch perineum

2.3.6. squatting for 15 minutes a day helps stretch perineum

2.3.7. effleurage: light abdominal massage as distraction technique

2.3.8. focusing on imagery, picture of peaceful place to help dissociate, don't get in line of sight

2.4. Lamaze

2.4.1. labor should begin on its own women should walk, move around, change positions t/o labor bring loved one, friend, doula for support

2.4.2. interventions that aren't medically necessary should be avoided women should be allowed to give birth in other positions that supine, follow bodies urges to push mother and baby kept together after birth; best for both and for breast feeding

2.4.3. DEFINITION: breathing technique to help with contractions during birth, only supposed to do it when you're having contractions but not trying to push

2.5. N/I for breathing techniques: monitor for anoxia, hypoxia

3. Birth Setting

3.1. hospital

3.1.1. best option for high risk and epidural

3.2. alternative birthing centers

3.2.1. considerations for financial strains, more personalized care

3.3. home births

3.4. choosing the location of birth depends on how high risk the pregnancy is, choosing the location should be collaborated with HCP and part of the birth plan process