Helping Students With Special Needs, Learning Disabilities at Golden Apple Bilingual School in Sh...

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Helping Students With Special Needs, Learning Disabilities at Golden Apple Bilingual School in Shanghai, China por Mind Map: Helping Students With Special Needs, Learning Disabilities at Golden Apple Bilingual School in Shanghai, China

1. Working with parents effectively

1.1. Give parents detailed instructions on students' homework. Communicate face-to-face with parents, to reduce issues related to language barriers. Don't get angry, impatient, or bossy with parents.

1.1.1. follow-up with parents by asking if assignments are getting through the their kids at home. Ask parents what they do to help their kids learn at home.

2. When to Suggest Referral to Another Class?

2.1. If the student is negatively impacting other students' ability to learn, consider referral.

2.1.1. Analyze students' body language for signs that they are refusing or unable to engage in classroom learning. If a student is not focusing on lessons, but is remaining positive, consider continuing to help the student by reforming the existing learning environment

3. Options and Limitations of Special Education Resources

3.1. The school doesn't offer special needs programs

3.1.1. If the student's family can afford it, private special education teachers can work with the school. Small class sizes allow struggling students regular, intimate access with teachers (Finland).

4. References: Differentiated Education in the Classroom at Mesquite Elementary School. (2011). Retrieved March 01, 2018, from Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom at Mesquite Elementary School Retrieved March 01, 2018, from Finland's Formula for School Success (Education Everywhere Series). (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from

5. Identifying signs that a student is struggling

5.1. The student is unaware of the purpose of learning, sees no intrinsic value in the class

5.1.1. The student will not make eye contact or respond to the teacher The student struggles to understand the language of instruction

6. Teaching techniques for assisting struggling students

6.1. Introduce many different activities for short periods of time that appeal to various learning styles (Mesquite)

6.1.1. Grant special 'VIP' status to kids with behavioral problems, allowing kids to help organize lessons, do chores, with the teacher Constantly offer patience, praise, and empahty