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My Network por Mind Map: My Network

1. Bryan Tapper

1.1. My uncle is the Manager of Technology and Information Services at Iron Mountain. As a business man with hundreds of personal contacts, he is a perfect person to help me spread my network in the USA.

2. Neeta & Bill Tapper

2.1. As my parents, my success is extremely important to them; they always want to see me flourish. They can assist my job search by asking the professionals they work with, as my mum works at Interior Health. She is able to contact all the doctors in BC. My dad works with at least 5 different clients everyday!

3. Jocelyn & Chris Briggs

3.1. As long time family friends, with connections similar to John's, they could assist in connecting me to Doctors on the East Coast.

4. John Gallagher

4.1. A friend of my dad who I have known for most of my life. He is a Police Sergeant, meaning he has various connections in many fields.

5. Alaine Watts

5.1. Alaine is a friend of my dads who is a paramedic turned 911 operator. Her connections in the medical field are perfect for my future to connect me with several people in multiple positions I have never considered before.

6. Oncologist

6.1. As a person with experience in the field I am most interested in, they can explain the responsibilities from first hand experience of what the job entails and provide me with a one up when applying.

7. Obsetriacian

7.1. This is my second career option I am considering. Knowing the job from an experienced person would assist my knowledge and connections in the field for my future.

8. BCCA Hiring Director

8.1. The person holding this position is one of the most important people for my future. They are the one who decides if I get a job as an oncologist all over BC. They can provide me with advice on how to stand out in job applications.

9. Sonia Brusadin

9.1. My Aunt is a nurse in Downtown Toronto. With a present hospital connection, she can easily provide me with advice and put me in contact with doctors in my desired field.

10. Brad Tapper

10.1. My Uncle is a former NHL player and a current ECHL coach. With connections to professional sport doctors, this could assist in narrowing my job decision (helping me choose a path).

11. Stephen David

11.1. My extremely charismatic former trampoline coach of 4 years knows my character and has traveled around the world. His connections to the medical field in foreign countries are vast.

12. Heidi & Ben Page

12.1. As long time family friends who moved to Kelowna before we did, they have connections in several different cities in both Canada and the USA.

13. Dr. Megan

13.1. As a family friend just finishing her residence program, she has the perfect experience at med school and at the hospital to connect me to a hospital in BC.

14. School Counselor

14.1. As counselors trained to help students find the right paths, they will be very helpful in providing me with information in several careers and the job holder's contact infornmation.

15. Radiologist

15.1. During my Job Shadow, I hope to experience this career. Their connections will be super helpful in deciding if that is the right job for me and set up my future.