Development of Customer Planning Guidelines

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Development of Customer Planning Guidelines por Mind Map: Development of Customer Planning Guidelines

1. Review standard products for domain

1.1. Measure the Opportunity

1.2. Kriteria Market Prduct

1.2.1. Parameter pembebanan pada pelanggan

2. Compare products against market and international standards

2.1. Research & Analisa Market

2.2. Segment Overall

2.3. Strategic Objectives

2.4. Competitors Innovations

3. Establish performance criteria for each customer group

3.1. Customer Performance Classification

3.1.1. After Sales Services

3.1.2. Trouble Ticket

3.1.3. SLA Achievement

3.1.4. Support Service

3.2. Segment Penjualan

3.2.1. Customer FTTX, Gov, GPOn

3.2.2. Ketentuan Design Customer

3.3. Defining & serving market

4. Forecast of customers requirements and solutions

4.1. Forecast Customer

4.1.1. Service, content or product yg diinginkan customer

4.2. Customer Requirement

4.3. Solution Technology & Future Needs

5. Define the planning guideline domains

5.1. Rencana Transmisi

5.1.1. Capacity

5.1.2. Batas Wilayah Jumlah titik interkoneksi Letak titik dan jenis interkoneksi Terminasi Link

5.1.3. Technology

5.2. Alokasi Jaringan Telekomunikasi

5.2.1. Membedakan layanan jaringan

5.3. Kompatibilitas dan Eligibity Pelayanan

5.4. Akses Perangkat Antara Pelanggan dan Jaringan

5.4.1. Topology Mora IXP

5.4.2. Akses Pelanggan Hirarchy untuk classifikasi customer

5.5. Rencana Mutu Layanan

5.5.1. Inovasi

5.5.2. Interkoneksi Network

6. Mapping each customer solution

6.1. Market Segment

6.1.1. Segment market berdasarkan solusi

6.1.2. Segment market berdasarkan service

6.2. Technical Specification

6.3. Configuration

6.4. SLA

7. Review actual deployment of products for all customers

7.1. Review Implementasi

7.1.1. Market demand

7.1.2. Harga

7.2. Budget & Approval Bisnis

7.3. Analisa Market & Customer

7.4. Sales Opportunity

7.5. Resiko

8. Seek approval for plans to update selected customer solutions

8.1. The Dynamic Contact Center Profession

8.1.1. Terkait group customer corporate, telco, retail, enterprise

8.2. The Planning and Management Process

8.2.1. Gather & analyze service information

8.3. Effective Real-Time Management and Recovery

8.3.1. Menentukan support service

8.4. Improving Quality and Productivity

8.4.1. Asses performance

8.5. Summary and Next Steps

8.5.1. Design service capability

8.5.2. Define service support strategy

9. Execution of new plans acccording to the plan

9.1. Defining Goals and Deadlines

9.2. Monitoring Commercial

9.3. Time & Human Resources

9.4. Sosialisasi

9.5. Implementasi

9.6. Documenting and Analyzing Data